part 3

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Robin: man! I don't need payment.. we have been friends for so many years.
Henry: no! I insist on paying you! You're an assassin right? A cold hearted assassin!
Robin: yes I am!
Henry: well I need you to kill the evil queen. And make sure she's dead! I'm gonna give you a big amount of money.I want her dead!
Robin: Evil queen is your mother Henry! Think about it.
Henry: no after what she did.
Robin: fine whatever you want.
Henry: I'll meet you tomorrow to hand over you the money. Prepare your equipment. I want this job to be done quick!
Robin: as you wish! (They hung up)
Henry got back in the church and had fun the rest of the night. In the meanwhile Regina was taking a walk in the forest to clear her mind and get some fresh air till she found some old friends of her.
Cruela: Reg? Is that you?
Meleficent: Oh look! It's Regina!
Ursula: what are you doing here all alone?
Cruela: I thought you left Storybrooke months ago.
Regina: I did... But I came back!
Maleficent: your bonding with Henry couldn't keep you apart huh?
Regina: Henry hates me!
Maleficent: oh I know! Just wanted to see the look on your face.
Regina: alright ladies I'm not in the mood for fighting. If you're looking for trouble look somewhere else.
Ursula: I told you not to be a bitch with her! (She hit Maleficent) Regina we are not looking for trouble anymore.
Regina: so what are you doing here in Storybrooke? Storybrooke the perfect place if you're looking for trouble.
Maleficent: I'm looking for my daughter.
Regina: your daughter Lily?
Maleficent: Well yeah... When our relationship was fixed by you and Emma I convinced her to move to my palace. And one night she run away and I can't find her anywhere!
Regina: and what makes you think she's here?
Ursula: Oh come on baby! Think about it... She has nowhere else to go.
Cruela: maybe she made a fresh start somewhere else girls!
Maleficent: I'm sure she's here! I can sense it.
Regina: ok so have fun looking for her!
Maleficent: no wait! I need your help!
Regina: why my help?
Maleficent: cause you were the mayor of Storybrooke. You know this place better than anyone else.
Regina: I'm also the most hatred person here.
Cruela: We can fix that!
(To be continued)

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