part 24

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Henry: what do you mean?
Emma: killing her too cruel for us! We are not murderers like her. Killing her is not victory for us. It'd make us like her.
Henry stared at the soil under his shoes and exhaled.
Henry: Whatever. I hope she won't dare come back!
In the meantime robin was riding his horse towards the woods. When they reached their destination he helped Regina jump off the horse.
Regina: you saved me!
Robin: told you I'd find a way.
Regina smiled broadly through her tears.
Regina: can't believe he wants me dead.
Robin: Listen to me. He has gone through a lot. His mourning for the loss of his wife at the moment. He'll be better just give me a break.
Regina exhaled hot air and sat on a rock.
Regina: guess we can't go back.
Robin: re you willing to take the risk and appear in front of him once again?
Regina: yes! He's my son robin! I'll always love him no matter what.
Robin: Love is rough. He grabbed her hand and led her to his camp. He and his man we're living there. 30 tents encircled by fires were all over the place.
Regina: seems like you're having fun here.
Robin: I disagree my lady. Most of the time I'm feeling lonely.
Regina: really? You're surrounded by 30 people and you're lonely?
Robin: you were the mayor of a whole town reg! And the queen once you still felt lonely. You didn't have that special someone in your life.
Regina: and do you now.
Robin: I'm working on it.
He stared at her right in the eyes and gave her a soft kiss.
Regina smiled shyly.
Robin: so you're staying with me.
Regina: what?
Robin: I won't take no for an answer. You can't go back after all.
Regina: I will go back robin. When things get back to normal and Henry forgets about his hatred towards me.
Robin: that will take a while so I suggest you stay here with me. I'll take good care of you.
Regina: well since you won't take no for an answer I don't have another choice, do I?
Robin nodded and led her inside his tent.
Robin: I can make another bed for you of course if you're feeling weird sleeping with me.
Regina: I don't mind.
Robin: great. I'm gonna get you a pillow.
Robin left the tent and Regina looked around. It was a pretty ordinary home if you keep in mind her Villa.
(To be continued)

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