Major Charm

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J. Rose
Dec 2,2016
Chapter 29

I groaned as I felt more weight on the bed. I wish they would leave. They don't understand space and they are so lucky the girls sleep hard as hell. I ran my hand across my body. Good I had on a shirt. I shifted a bit and closed my eyes. I had been ignoring them for at least 30 minutes. I think the more I'm around Rainie, the more I'm understanding the physical violence she uses on them.

"Man that is a sexy ass family," Trina said as she sat on the bed.

"Girl, I swear man. Jamila is one lucky bitch," Mia said.

They have no idea. I bit my lip as I felt the throbbing between my legs grow. Stormie was something else. Even though I lost time after I bite her. I smirked and placed my hand on my boobie. My shit still hurt.

"I mean there is Traci," Trina said.

"She is sexy and single. Plus she is related to Rainie," Frankie said.

"That she is," Mia said.

I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"I say go for it. She's the older cousin so she might be smoother than Rain," Frankie said.

"Girl! Ain't nothing as smooth as what Milly got," Mia said and laughed.

"Right! And have you meet that alter ego?" Trina asked.

"Just far to tempting. Especially that sexy ass combo of her, Steven, and Ricki," Mika said.

"Her yo bi ass go," Mia said.

"Listen. I like what I love. And I love both," She said.

"Whatever, that will never happen. Her and Heaven are together," Mia said.

"Hey, I'm down with some tag team shit," Mika said.

"Just nasty,"Mia said.

"What? They aint even related," Mika said.

Which was true. They weren't so it would be okay. Especially since they all kept bring it up, mostly because that shit was funny. I must admit. I can't help but wonder if her and Rain ever fooled around. I wouldn't pass them. It's how they are.

" Rain, Heaven and Thrill," Trina said.

"I could get with that," Mia said and laughed.

I heard the other three agree and then I smelt it. That dirty dog that fell out of our mommas pussy. She pulled back the blanket from my head and I watched her smirk. I licked my lips. It was nice having my sister back. Even though she came with her own set of challenges. Which after learning about her drowning explains a change in her behavior. So I couldn't be pissed about it. I just knew to call Rain when I couldn't handle her.

"Sis, why did you fuck up Rain like that?" She asked me.

I groaned and grabbed the blunt out of her hand. I knew it was coming. That's what woke me up. The sounds of a superbowl championship begin won. What stopped me from getting up? My sister's and that my legs were still sore. I knew in a couple of days it would be weeks before we had sex again. So I wanted to enjoy as much as I could. I already knew the sexual frustration was gonna serious. Especially since we gonna be smoking that shit.

"Her neck is mad lit," Mika said and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and inhaled the blunt. I exhaled as they waited for me to speak. I debated on telling them the story now or later. I'm sure Stormie has told it to that annoying ass group in there. But I want to wait to see how much she told them before I give any details.

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