They Have No Idea Do They?

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Chapter 47
Dec 21,2016

I looked over at my cousin and her lady and smiled as they talked whatever shit they do. I was sooooo damn happy she found somebody to put up with her stubborn ass ways. She could be an grumpy ass grandpa but other than that. She was nothing more than a overgrown child really.

"What you gonna do if I don't?" Stormie asked Mila.

I watched as Mila smirked and turned to look at me.

"Heaven I thought you was gonna show us something?" She said and smirked.

"I do but we gotta wait for Ricki and Traci to get here," I said and sat back in my seat.

"Well they about to come in anyway," Stormie said.

As soon as Thrill handed me the blunt two dumbass came into the room.

"Close my fucking door Traci!" Stormie yelled at her as she looked back over the couch.

I laughed as she pointed at her and Traci mumbled and stomped back over to the door.

"I dare you nigga," Stormie growled and jumped at her as Mila got plucked off her lap and was now in Ricki's.

I have to admit Mila's body heat is the everlasting truth, and we just like to steal her from time to time. She gave off this really weird comfort and mother vibe that was great. I laughed as the door slammed and we all looked over at Traci as she smirked.

"Got damn it Traci!" Stormie yelled as she jumped out her chair.

I laughed as she began to walk quickly over to Traci.

"I'm sorry!" Traci yelled as Stormie picked her up under her armpits.

"Millyyyy help me babygirl!" She yelled.

"Put her down papi," Mila said not phased one bit by the two.

I bit my lip and looked at her. She was sitting in Rains seat now. She was faded as shit. Her eyelids were heavy. But you could still see the color of jade peeking through her heavy lashes. Her hair was up in a sloppy bun as a few strains fell behind her ear. We still hadn't gotten dress yet so she was still in this grey army shirt and Storms pajama pants. She was looking at them laughing until Thrill came over and started talking to her.

"One second Ms. Rose," Stormie strong accent flowed through the room.

I have to admit if Ms. Rose wasn't in the picture I would have definitely been all over her. I mean look at her. She had Traci about 2 feet off the ground and she wasn't straining at all. Her black t shirt did hug her arms allowing for every muscle to be hit by the light. Her eyes were low and waving backing and forth between honey and some other color. Her hair was just there out and curly.

"Please don't," Traci said as she placed her hands on Stormie shoulders.

"What about to happen?" Miguel asked me.

I smirked and passed him one of  the TKO's. We decided we were gonna test tolerances tonight. It should be fun. So far Miguel was decent. His eyes were getting heavy but hell we all were looking through heavy lids. Even Traci and Ricki.

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