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This is another one that's kinda based of personal experience, a bit more so this time. I wish this would happen to me lol.

It's that time again. You always dread lunchtime at college(high school), because you know you're gonna be left, sitting on your own on a bench somewhere. That's what always happens.  It's not that you have no friends, you do have friends, but they're not always in college at the same times as you, or they have other friends that they hang out with instead, and you'd rather not invade their friendship group. The only other friends you have either went to a different college, or live on the other side of the world. That's just your reality. And so you're left to eat a sad sandwich on a bench alone, feeling constantly insecure of the fact that you are alone.

You go to  a bench that's more hidden away, even though its still pretty visible, and you know tons of people are gonna walk past and see you on your own. You just put in your headphones and scroll through your phone for a while, not even doing anything. You just want to look occupied. You're hungry, but you don't want to eat anything, because you're so insecure about eating around other people, so you just stay hungry, and decide to just eat when you get home, away from anyone who could judge you.

Suddenly a boy comes and sits next to you, and you get tense. You always secretly wished for this to happen, but now that it has, you are terrified. He pulls a sandwich out of his bag and starts eating it, meanwhile you just stare at him for a while without realising it. When he notices you staring he stops chewing and stares back for a while before asking 'is it ok if i sit here?' You just nod and look back at your phone.

'I can see that you're not doing anything, you know that right?' He says, laughing a little bit to himself. You just look up with scared eyes, before turning red from embarrassment. "Just talk to me." He says, pulling one of your earbuds out of your ear. You reluctantly take the other one out and turn to him.
"Why did you come here?" You ask him and he tilts his head in confusion "I mean why did you come sit next to me? There are plenty of other places to sit, why next to me?"
"Because you were alone. I know what it's like to be alone. I hated it. All I wanted was for someone, anyone, to just come and talk to me just for a little bit. I didn't want you to have to go through what I've gone through, so I sat here. You're not alone anymore." He said, with a sad smile. He's right. All you dream of is for someone to just come and speak to you, just so you don't look so alone. You turn back the way you were facing and mumble "thank you" under your breath. Somehow he heard it, and just said "you're welcome" in response.

He gives you his number, so you can text him next time you're alone. You start talking to him more and opening up. You notice the two of you have a lot in common. You even manage to make him laugh, and the whole time in your head you're thinking "what did I do to deserve this?"


The next day, you go to the same spot at lunch and get out your phone like you usually do, but this time, rather than mindlessly scrolling through your phone, you text Jimin. Before you know it, he is there, sat next to you, and your both talking and laughing. He gets another sandwich out of his bag, and notices you haven't had anything to eat.
"Are you gonna eat anything?" He asks. You get shy again, but you decide you trust him enough that you can tell him.
"No, I don't like eating in front of other people. I get really self conscious..." you say, playing with your hands. He looks confused again.
"What does it matter what other people think of you eating? It's not your fault that you have to eat to survive. You should eat something. I won't judge you I promise. Just do it for me." You reluctantly grab a bag of crisps (chips for you Americans) out of your bag and slowly eat them, one by one, taking tiny bites.
"Why are you so self conscious about eating? Everyone does it!" He says, laughing a little.
"I don't know... maybe it's that I'm scared people will judge what I'm eating, or maybe even how I eat. I really don't know." You say mumbling. You realise you've never really thought about it before. What are you really self conscious about?
"Well you should break out of this habit before it becomes unhealthy. Don't worry, I'll help you." He says, placing a hand on your thigh.
You loosen up a bit more, taking bigger bites, even though you are still pretty nervous.
"That's better." He says softly, and your heart flutters at the sound of his comforting whisper. That's when you realize...you love him.

Jesus Christ this is a bit of a long one. Anyway yeah sorry it ends a bit abruptly, but I just didn't know how to finish it and it was getting long so I just ended it there. This is almost accurate as to what my first few month for college was like cause I have no friends ayyy how fun. I do but it's hard cause everyone has different timetables so not everyone is in college at the same time, so I end up alone a lot of the time at lunch. During free periods I just go to the lrc and 'study' on the computers. So for a good long while I would just sit in the quad and eat by myself but because I'm so self conscious about eating and I don't know why I just am so usually I just eat some crisps and eat the rest of my lunch when I get home. However recently I have made a few more friends thanks to my friend in film studies who kept talking to me, even if I was quiet to begin with. If you know someone quiet, don't give up talking to them just because they're quiet. Just keep talking to them because chances are eventually, they'll get louder. And if you see someone sitting alone, do us a favour and just sit next to them. Try talking to them, and don't be offended if they don't talk back. Chances are a bit of company is all they want. Speaking from experience, it's not easy for us people, and before you go saying 'just talk to someone yourself rather than expecting everyone to come to you' , do you really expect me to just go up to some random friendship group and start butting in to their conversations? They'd probably get annoyed very quickly, especially considering they're reckless teenagers who feel a need to judge every person they meet. Omg I've been ranting a lot I'm sorry it's just something I'm passionate about cause I hate seeing people sitting alone. See ya in the next one 👋🏻👍🏻💜

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