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~ June 10th 2020 ~
Dan's point of view

   "Did you take your tablets today?" Lana whispers under her breath while we wait in the gloomiest waiting room ever. Honestly this place is fucking...awful. "Yeah." I mumble before reassuringly nodding my head. "You don't have to be here, you know? Today is just talking about...the procedure." Even though I don't want this to happen - it's for the best.

   "I promised that I'm always going to be here for you. You know that right?" Lana nods her head with our fingers laced together.

"I hate this place." Lana whispers. "Same." I mean I know I should probably lie and say something positive about this place...just to ease up her nerves. But I can't. Instead I close my eyes and try to think of something calming. I end up thinking about Lana of course. She's my anchor after all.

   It's hard to keep calm. And I'm scared to do anything. The doctor told me I should stay away from emotional things, or things that will raise my blood pressure. He says although the tablets I'm on should prevent other cardiac arrests...sometimes they don't. That's why any emotional or strenuous actives should be ruled out or something?

   As if I'm seriously not going to fuck my girlfriend. Hospitals don't know what you've done or get up too. I'll just lie. It's fine.

   Wait. Why the fuck am I thinking about sex when...I'm literally sat besides my girlfriend in a fucking abortion clinic. Fuck. I did not...mean...shit. I'll just not talk - or think - for the remainder while we wait.

   Instead I look around and obverse everyone else here.

   Out of the six women tearfully waiting - it's only me and this other guy. He doesn't look too bothered and he sits one chair away from his partner. I think me and Lana are the only couple in here....

   The rest of the woman quiet. They barely move. I think the weirdest pregnancy here is the old woman. This woman has long grey hair and wrinkles and everything...she looks like a witch. Her fairly big. That's just disturbing to be honest. How did she let herself get in such a state when she is old enough to be that child's great grandmother.

   Then there's a girl who is the total opposite of the witch. She's young. Like...preteen young. She sits besides her mother. She hasn't got an visible bump thankfully. Then the others are Lana's age...or maybe a bit older. One of them is on the phone. Apparently she's a business woman who is begging her boss, that she fucked - to get to the top most like - and now wants to get rid of her baby. She's got a small bump that pokes against the black of her skirt.

   "Bitch." Lana mumbles under her breath. I nod my head in agreement. Least our excuse is my health...but I want kids in the is this pointless or nah?

   Another woman is ghost pale, she sits in a wheelchair...wearing a bandana. I close my eyes and look away from her. I hope she's getting support from her friends and family...even though I don't think anyone is here for her.

   Another name gets called out. The witch. She takes her time standing up because of her bump and limps to the office. Maybe she is so old that she hurt herself? Fuck knows. She's well weird.

   "D-Dan..." Lana quietly stutters as the business woman on the phone ends the call sharply. "Yeah..." I whisper with our faces drawing close. "I kind of love it." Lana whispers as she puts on hand on her large bump. I look at where her hand is placed and smile in relief as I nod my head. I knew she did! Thank god. "Me too..." I whisper as I nod my head towards the front door.

   "Let's get out of here. Forget we even came." This place is my only mistake regarding my child. Honestly. I shouldn't of let Lana...even think about getting rid of the baby so she can focus on me. It's a baby. Our little baby. It needs us.

   Lana smiles with tears in her eyes as we both quietly stand up and walk to reception to erase our names off of the system.

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