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"You really seem glad to see her," Harry observed, taking a delicate sip out if his own whiskey.

"I missed her a lot, really." Sam placed his empty glass on a passing tray and focused on the dancing kids.

After seeing Lisa again and being there with Harry, he could almost pretend like nothing had changed, that they were still in high school, attending their own dance.

"Do you think Christine will be okay with you seeing her again after last time?"

Sam shrugged because he really didn't give a rat's ass about Christine's opinion on Lisa. Not anymore. There was absolutely no reason for her to be insecure. Him on the other hand... And the weight inside his stomach was back, stronger than ever.

"Speaking of the she devil, where is she?"

Sam opened his mouth to tell him to be nice, but didn't see the point. He was too used to Christine and Harry constantly jabbing each other.

"Let me guess," Harry pressed on, totally not getting that he didn't want to talk about Christine. "You screwed her and ruined her makeup, and she had to stay behind and reapply it."

"Smooth, you dick," Sam mumbled. The comment however made him feel even crappier because it was not something he'd do. Or ever done for that matter. Could that be part of the problem?

"Sam? You okay?" Harry's tone had changed dramatically as his annoying social macho persona left way to Sam's true friend. "Did I hit a nerve or something?"

Yes, he had. A bigger one than he could possibly imagine. And he had to let it out because it was killing him.

"I don't screw Christine, Harry." Over or otherwise.

"Don't get pedantic on me. I know-- " He stopped which made Sam not feel instantly sorry for telling him that. "You mean, like not at all?" The shock in his voice was justified since who the hell lives with their girlfriend for almost two years without getting it on? "Why?"

Sam took in a deep breath because this was a matter he preferred to think about as little as possible since it still enraged him. "Just don't laugh."

Which was the reason why he'd never told any of his brothers either. He didn't want them judging Christine or him and making not so subtle jabs about it. But Harry was more neutral since he didn't spend so much time with them and barely saw Christine.

"When Christine started spending nights over, her father paid me a visit," he started, trying to keep his voice even. "He mentioned how Christine had made a promise to her dead mother that she wouldn't be with anyone until her wedding day and that it was up to me to help her keep that promise. Not bring it up to avoid embarrassing her. Just sort of let her have this if I truly cared for her."

God, it sounded so stupid. But the truth was, Christine never gave him a real sign that she was past that promise. There were subtle things that hinted she would let him go all the way, but those were hormones and he liked to kid himself that he could overcome them. That he could power through and not be part of why Christine chose to break her promise. It was one of the reasons it was easy to deny any possible cheating. Unless...

He turned to Harry who was biting down on his fist. "Are you laughing?"

He shook his head, his knuckles still in his mouth. "This isn't funny, Sam. It's the least funny thing ever. The professor is such a dick."

"You think he lied to me?"

"I don't know, but things change. Any promise a pre-teen Christine might have made could go down the drain with ease once she entered puberty." Harry lowered his hands, and Sam noticed they were shaking. "It was such a low blow. Did you even talk to her about it?"

Lose Control (The Jewel Project #5)Where stories live. Discover now