Much Ado about Cake

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It was tomorrow.

Her wedding was tomorrow and Skye was freaking the fuck out.

"Calm down," Lucy said with a laugh as she admired Skye's bride shoes. "Everything is ready. The rehearsals for tomorrow went great, everything is on track and as long as the cake gets here this evening, I can declare that everything is perfect."

"Shit," Skye mumbled. Stupid cake. In case it didn't come, did they really need cake? They could have a wedding without a cake, right?

"Don't worry. I'll handle it. I asked Tom to take care of it anyway." Lucy let out a swoon. "He's very capable, you know. And cooperating fine with me. Best man and maid of honor made in heaven."

It was cute, but Skye didn't really have time for her friend's crush right then. Her mom would be over any moment to spend the night with her while Lucy went to the hotel, and all she could think about was Sam. Was he as nervous as she was?

So she texted him. Help, I'm freaking out.

He texted back almost immediately. Help, Jerry wants me to go to sleep to make sure I'm well rested for tomorrow.

That got a snort out of her. It was seven thirty. Leave it to Jerry to be the only person panicking more than her.

"What are you doing? Are you texting Sam again?"

"Um, yes?"

Lucy rolled her eyes, but it was in good humor. "Starting with tomorrow night, you'll get sick of him."

As if! She couldn't wait to see him again. Kiss him, be with him. She never thought she'd miss him so much, but four days without him in all this mess had proven more difficult than she'd thought. Especially because she had no one to discuss the baby with. She'd sneaked in maybe five minutes with Kay at some point, because she was one of the few people who knew.

The doorbell rang, and Skye jumped so high, her butt left the couch. Who could it be at this hour? Surely something had gone terribly wrong.

"Oh, God, the look on your face." Lucy stood with a laugh. "Stop being so jittery."

"If it's a male stripper, I swear to God I'm murdering you, Lucy."

"I didn't invite anyone," she said, opening the door. "Um, hello. Can I help you?"

"Is Sam here?"

Skye jumped off the couch and strode to the door, her hands balling into fists, so by the time she reached Angie, she was ready to wack her.

"No, Sam's not here," Lucy was saying, obviously having no clue who the person in front of her was. "He's at the hotel..."

Angie's gaze focused on Skye and she smiled. "Hi, Skye."

"What the hell, Angie?" Skye grabbed her arm and pulled her inside just to make sure the rest of the building wouldn't hear them.

"What?" She asked with a laugh. "You did invite me, didn't you?"

"Oh, so you're a guest." Lucy headed back into the living room for the list.

"I did invite you," Skye said between her teeth. "Sam and I both did. And you never confirmed you would be coming."

Angie spread out her arms to show she was there, so what did it matter, and Skye felt like punching her in the face.

"Really? Just show up? Did you consider, for one single lousy second that I might want to include you in our wedding. That you might have some rehearsing to do? That you could be a bride's maid?"

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