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Everyone was silent, looking at Sam with varying degrees of concern on their faces, except for Tom who seemed ready to murder someone. Sam half-wished he had sunglasses on.

"I..." he tried again, but failed. Fortunately, no one prodded him. Kay just squeezed his shoulder in a show of support.

Why did she give him more support than Christine? Why did everyone in that room?

Jessie took his mug and fished the bottle of bourbon out from a cabinet again to fill it up.

"What are you doing?" Jerry asked, alarmed.

"Shush, he needs liquid courage," Jessie said, leaving the bottle out this time.

Sam wondered just how much he'd have to drink until he could finally open up. It turned out, not much. The anger and the pain were exhausting, and that combined with lack of food made him tipsy after only half the mug.

"Don't you have liquid amnesia or something?" he mumbled.

"Not funny, Sam," Tom growled. "Are you ready to tell us what happened?"

Sam nodded and took another swig of his mug. The alcohol burned his throat, but the effect was a loosening of his tongue.

"I had a bad feeling about Christine," he said, staring at the brown liquid in his mug. At least Jimmy had the sense not to give him whiskey. "Suspected she might be cheating on me. Turns out, it's true."

There was a sharp intake of breath and a mumbled curse, but he didn't care enough fo raise his eyes and see how everyone reacted. Getting the next part out was more important.

"Harry told me during the ball at school. The reasons he knows is because he's the one screwing Christine behind my back."

"Motherfucker," Tom growled.

"What?" Angie asked in shock.

Sam raised his eyes, finally ready for reactions. Jerry had his hand over his mouth, his eyes wide with shock. Jessie and Kay seemed gobsmacked too, confusion and anger battling on their faces. Kyle looked pretty confused too, though the anger was obviously winning.

Jimmy and Tom on the other hand looked ready to murder someone. Probably Harry. Or Christine. Or both.

"Did you know about this?" Tom asked, turning to Angie.

"Of course not," she said, her voice higher than usual. "She'd never tell me something like that. She knew I'd tell you guys immediately."

Tom relaxed at this and Sam was once again reminded that Angie and Christine were great friends. It was so easy to forget because he always considered Angie his friend, not hers. Fortunately, this mess didn't mean they'd have to split their friends.

"I still can't believe this," Kay whispered.

"I can. I'm a little surprised it took her this long," Jimmy mumbled.

"Really, Jimmy?" Jerry asked, reproach in his voice. He stood from his chair and put both hands on Sam's shoulders. "I know that you're hurting right now, but we need to know more. What did you do to Harry?"

Of course Jerry would pick up all the little order and discipline details.

"I knocked him out," Sam mumbled.

Jerry patted his shoulders and moved away which Sam took to mean he didn't agree but was aware it was the best possible outcome.

"Does Christine know you know?" Jessie asked.

That memory was probably the most painful of all and Sam had to admit he was impressed how his body could pick out the most agonizing bit in a ball full of agony. He rose the mug to his lips again and downed more alcohol.

Lose Control (The Jewel Project #5)Where stories live. Discover now