37.2.|| Proof is in the Pain

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Kyle wobbled back to the bar, Jessie half-holding him up for safety. Dancing drunk had been fun, but now, walking was precarious at best.

Jessie sat him down then took the stool to his left and turned to watch the dancers, a smile on her face.

"Just look at them," she said, nodding towards Sam and Skye.

They were slow dancing, arms around each other, foreheads pressed together, goofy smiles on both their faces.

"Not love my ass," Kyle mumbled. He still had a tiny bit of whiskey in his glass, so he made short work of it.

"Which one of them is denying it?"

"I don't think they are anymore. Skye admitted it, but said she hadn't told Sam yet."

"She should," Jessie said. "It would make his day. And Sam needs good news. And love."

"Lots of it," he agreed turning on his stool so that his back was against the bar.

He was done drinking anyway. There was a soft pounding in his head, his muscles were relaxed and his vision a little blurry. It was enough. He'd just wanted to numb himself out and the alcohol had done the trick.

"Still tastes like shit," he mumbled, looking from Sam and Skye who were now kissing, to Tom and Angie who seemed to be talking. "God, I hope he's telling her that he wants to get back together."

"Does he, though?" Jessie asked.

"What do you think?"

"I really wish they would. I also hope they've learned something from all this."

"Tom has. And I think Angie, too. They both need to trust people more."

"Trust each other," she said with a nod, then turned to him, her eyes misty. "What about us?"

He winced. "I still believe you'll be okay. Jimmy's not a moron."

"Neither are you, and still..."

He really didn't want to think about it. At least not until tomorrow. So he just shrugged and looked away. His breath hitched in his throat. Kay stood in the doorway to the restaurant, watching him with wide eyes.

Even if he knew something was wrong, that the pain inside him had a reason, seeing her made his heart beat faster. With careful movements, he stood and walked to her. The closer he came, the more he realized little things. How pale she was, how there were dark rings under her eyes, how her shoulders were tense.

And yet, he couldn't help finding her gorgeous. The light in her eyes, her golden hair, her body... her. Always her.

"Want to dance?" he asked the moment he reached her.

"Are you drunk?"

Wow, that question was getting old. "A little."


It was amusing how everyone focused on the how rather than the way. But it suited him just fine. He didn't even want to think about the why.

"It's possible. You just have to be very careful. And very miserable."

Kay winced. "Kyle..."

"You don't have to say anything, you know."

Her eyes shone with tears and she put her hand on his cheek. That was a nice surprise. He put his hand over hers. Something was wrong. They shouldn't be doing this, but he wrapped his arm around her waist anyway and pulled her against him.

She didn't fight it, just put her other hand on his other cheek, a sad smile on her face. Old habits died hard. And hurt. Proof was in the pain. Proof that it mattered, that it was everything.

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