5.2|| Clash of the Titans

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Christine rubbed her stinging eyes. The mascara had probably dripped all over her face from all the crying, but it wasn't a problem. Her throat stung from screaming too much and it was annoying, but maybe an altered voice would help. She still wore her elegant party dress, waiting.

She wanted Sam to see that what happened affected her, that she hadn't, couldn't go on with her normal life as if nothing had happened. It had, and they should talk about it. He had to listen and forgive. No other outcome was possible.

But she hadn't expected Sam to go missing all night. The clock on the wall showed it was four in the morning. She'd been alone for five hours, crying her heart out, and it hurt. Hallowed her chest, made her cold. Abandoned and alone.

She'd thought he'd want to see her, even if just to yell at her. Then she could make him see sense, make him realize he loved her and didn't want to ruin what they had. Harry was a disposable nuisance they could overcome. If Sam would understand why she'd done it and fix it, she would never need anyone but him. And he would, because Sam was smart. Smart enough to come home. Except he hadn't.

Instead he'd left her sitting on the step leading to their bedroom, leaning against the jamb, looking a mess. If only he'd come... Her vision blurred, but she wasn't sure it was from the tears or her weariness. It would be so easy to close her eyes and just fall asleep there.

The key clicked in the lock and she jerked to attention, all thoughts of sleep leaving her mind. She scrambled to her feet, but before she could stand, the door open and Kyle came in. Ice ran down her spine as she froze in a half-raised posture.

For a moment, Kyle just glared at her, and it became instantly obvious that he knew. The steel in his eyes almost knocked the legs right out from under her. Her throat clogged and her eyes stung with tears again. He broke eye contact first and headed straight for her.

"What are you doing here?" she blurted out.

Kyle stopped and looked at her, one eyebrow raised. " You get one guess."

He was there to get Sam's stuff, no question about it. His stupid brothers had come together to make sure she couldn't soften him up and fix this. Panic slithered through her veins, making her nauseous. She couldn't lose Sam. Wouldn't lose him. She needed him.

"Where is Sam? How is he?"

"Oh, Sam's great," Kyle said with a huff. "He thinks you fucking Harry is the funniest thing he's heard in a while. He's still laughing."

Christine cringed. She was too used to Kyle censoring himself in front of her, but now the gloves were obviously off. And it made Kyle scary... Dangerous. A strange thrill ran through her as she studied him. There had always been something so intimidating about him, so raw. It was no wonder her sister had crushed on him for so long. So long and so much that it had ruined her relationship. But then again, who could really blame her?

She swallowed her irrelevant thoughts and focused on the matter at hand. "So he didn't have the guts to come here himself," she said, her tone full of acid. "He sent you because..." She faltered, realizing the answer.

Kyle smiled a sickeningly sweet smile. "Because I'm immune to your shit?"

Christine swallowed, the cold inside her intensifying, seeping into her bones, making her shiver.

"Oh, don't get me wrong," Kyle said, his voice almost joyful, "the others wanted to see you, too. Tom and Jimmy to wring your pretty neck. Only Jerry would probably feel sorry for you, but he's special like that. So you get me. They trusted me to behave." He pushed past her as if she were nothing and entered the bedroom.

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