8.1|| Cage Uncaged

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Sam had a very weird night. At least he'd slept, but it had been plagued by weird nightmares about Christine being pregnant and running away from him at their wedding. After he woke up, it took him a few seconds to realize none of that had happened and that Rosario was the pregnant one and Christine was gone.

For once, reality was the better option. He couldn't even imagine what it could've been like if Christine were pregnant. Of course, that would've implied actually having sex which would've nixed the issue all together. Or would it? Sam liked to believe it would. That she really wouldn't have gone to Harry if he would have given her everything. Then again, maybe he would've sucked at it like he sucked at everything involving romance.

"Shush, stupid brain."

Great, now he was talking to himself. He took another shower and headed down the stairs. The house was oddly quiet and he wondered where everyone was. On cue, Kay stepped out of the kitchen, a cup in her hand.

"Glad to see you're finally up, sleepy head," she said with a smile.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No, I'm actually glad you managed to get some sleep."

"What time is it anyway?" The question was empty since he could check his own watch. He took in a sharp breath when he realized it was almost noon. "Wow, I really did sleep."

"You needed it."

Sam took a closer look and realized Kay looked a little tired. "You seem to need it, too."

Her smile widened. "I'll be fine. Ready for the day?"

"Can I say no?"

She let out a laugh. "Of course not. Come on, let's get you something to eat and some coffee or something and I'll show you around."

Sam let her, asking about everyone else as they made their way into the kitchen. Kyle had left for band practice and Max was hard at work, so Kay and Rosario were home alone along with the stable staff. He only managed to grab a sandwich and drink half of his cup of coffee before Kay pulled him out into the grounds and started the tour.

First, it was to the gym, then the shooting range, and finally, outside into the grounds where Kay proudly displayed the obstacle course Kyle use to run as a teenager. As Sam took in all the nets, ropes and platforms, a lot of stuff started making sense. No wonder Kyle had been so well-trained for their first mission. According to Kay, he ran the dangerous looking course every day, under the threat of getting shot by Max.

When Kay challenged him to race her around it, he couldn't say no. His muscles still ached from all the running, but he enjoyed the exercise all the same. The course was not easy, so it took a lot of focus not to fall, especially since there didn't seem to be any harnesses or safety nets.

Kay was doing remarkably well, a huge smile on her face, obviously relieving simpler times. Sam took advantage and bypassed her, sliding down the final rope. He didn't even feel a sting in his palms and his feet touched the ground flawlessly.

"Well done," Kay said, panting slightly as she reached the ground, too. "I'm very impressed."

He didn't know if he should take it as an insult or a compliment. "Why?"

"Because I keep thinking you would've been so hesitant a few years back. You've grown so much."

"Um... thanks?" He wasn't sure what Kay was trying to do, but it felt nice to see that the passage of time hadn't ruined everything.

"Christine is such a moron," she mumbled, her voice so low Sam was convinced she hadn't meant for him to hear.

His heart tightened again as her name plagued the air around him, but it was much easier to drive the thought back and lock it away when he focused on the desert surrounding him. The pain was still there, but it was easier to pretend it wasn't.

Lose Control (The Jewel Project #5)Where stories live. Discover now