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Danny's pov

I was flying home after a fight with Skulker. "Man Skulker doesn't know when to stop." I groan. I transform back in a alleyway by the house, covered in dirt and dust but mostly okay. On my way up to the door I take a second to breath in the air, then I open the door and walk in. My family and friends are no where near. "That's weird." I look in the lab. "Not there either. Something's wrong." I realize. My phone rings. It's jazz. "Jazz where are you? Where is everyone?" I ask, a bit panicked.

"We're heading to school! Remember its parent student meetings." Jazz answers.

I sigh inwardly and groan outwardly. "Ugh I forgot."

"We'll get your halfa butt down her." She scolds.

I laugh. "I'm 15 jazz I'm not a little kid who needs scolding."

"Well than get down here and prove that." She responds.

"Okay! Ok I'm coming. Bye jazz. Luv ya." I end the phone call and fly to the school. I land by the school, by the bins and de-transform. I was walking around the corner and that's when she calls again.

"Oh god Danny! Change of plans don't come by the school!" Jazz whispers, she sounds worried and a little out of breath, as if she's been running.

"Jazz I'm already by the school! What's going on!"

"We were tricked! There's no one at the school there's just a ghost! Oh god he had a bomb!" Tucker gets on the phone.

"Oh my god don't worry I'm coming! I'll save you guys!" I say before running towards the school. I had no idea what's wrong but I needed to get to them right now!

"Danny don't! Just know we love you." Jazz whispers, then I hear a gasp and the sounds of a struggle.

Dan steals the phone. "Is Danny on that?!"

"Tell him we love him." I hear my parents yell in the background.

"Guys I love you too! Don't die-" I'm by the door when the school explodes into flames.

I'm thrown back from the explosion. "NO!" I yell, tears spilling from my eyes. Dust and debris falling from the sky around me.

"Oh god please no! Why?" I break down into tears. 'This cannot be happening!' kept spinning around my head as I slowly stagger to my feet. I transform back into phantom and fly to my house, tears still spilling from my eyes.

I grab my phone and some clothes and shove it into a backpack with some emergency supplies. I can't stay in amity park without them, my family my friends. I love them so much, I can't bare the loss, it was hard just to walk through the door of this house. I rush down to the basement and pick up all of the blueprints, memory sticks, post-it notes and as much tech as I could fit into a duffel bag.

So... I'm leaving. I fly to the border of amity park. Both bags in hand, tears drying in the cold air.

I float in the air for a bit by the Amity park sign. 'Where am I supposed to go? I'm all alone. Stupid! I should have been faster than maybe they wouldn't be dead and I would still have a family!' My moist eyes threaten to spill once more.

I hear the whining up of a gun. "Phantom your coming with us." A G.I.W agent orders, from a chopper.

"Shit." I panic, I quickly fly away as the G.I.W chase me, they shoot at me as I doge and try to out run them. I just barely get past the states border when I noticed that they've stopped.

"What the heck?" I ponder out loud.

"Get back here you ghost scum." The agent yells, his buddy was keeping the chopper steady into the air and taking over the radio.

"You guys aren't allowed to leave the state are you?" I laugh.

"We can still hit you from here." The agent smirks.

"Shiitttt." I start flying away when I feel a searing pain in my side. Crap! I'm wounded. I quickly fly as fast as I can to the one place I can think of.

New York, the city with superheroes.

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