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Robins pov.

I'm sitting in Peter's room waiting for Peter to come back up. I don't know why but something was off about them. The fact that Danny panicked when Peter was just hanging off the bunk bed. It's seem as if that not what really happened. And then at dinner the way they reacted to the way Ethan talked about Danny Phantom and Spider-Man. It's just super suspicious. Could they be Danny Phantom and Spider-Man? I would definitely need more evidence because at the moment they don't seem strong enough. And Danny also said about how his parents where ghost hunters and that if he was Phantom he would be more than half dead.

I will investigate. The door opens and the trio walk in.

Peters pov

Me and Danny walk into our room Robin is siting there . "Best we get back to our project." I smile and get to work. Danny goes and lays on the lower bunk. We decided that we've gotten enough work done for today and start playing truth or dare. "Danny truth or dare?" Robin asks.

"Dare." Danny smirks.

"I dare you to.... pretend to be Phantom for five minutes!" Robin smirks.

"Ok? Well I gotta go kick some villains ass! Bye!" Danny pretends to walk off. "Oh and by the way did you here that someone thought I was a sidekick? Like seriously! You decided to help out your superpowers friend and you get called his sidekick!" Danny jokes. Danny continues to ramble and make puns for the rest of the five minutes. "Can I stop now?" He asks.

"Yep! You did really good. I would almost think your Phantom himself!" Robin smiled.

Danny froze. Quickly laughed out loud, "him being Phantom? Oh that's hilarious! He has trouble opening a pickle jar most days." I lie to get him of our backs.

Robin shrugs, "ok."

"Robin truth or dare." Danny asks them.

"Truth." Robin says.

"Ok that's boring. Let me think." Danny than thinks to himself. Than I see the look in his eyes.

"Robin. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done." Danny smirks.

I notice Robin stiffen up. "Danny. I don't think that's a good question." I say. "It's his personal life he shouldn't have to say if he doesn't want to."

"Ok. I was just curious. And I didn't really know what else to say." Danny admits.

I sigh, "Robin do you still want to answer. If you don't Danny can always choose a new question." I say.

"Uhh I haven't told anyone but I know how to fight. Like really well, I literally once beat up a mugger who was threatening to shank me. "Robin says, fidgeting with his hands.

"That's really cool! I don't know why that would be embarrassing but ok." I said.

"No the embarrassing part is that once someone tried to scare me and I punched them in the face. That's why I don't really have many friends." Robin says looking down.

"That's perfectly fine. I once did the same to Peter. Except I kneed him in the nuts." Danny admits.

"That hurt a lot and I'm still planning to get back at you." I said glaring at Danny.

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