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Third person pov.

Danny and Peter make there way to peters house. They are about to climb in through the window when peter says, "Just be quite my aunt doesn't know I'm spiderman...."

Then they notice a person siting in the bed.

"Washing the American flag my ass." Aunt may glares at the two.

"Hi aunt may. Uh I can explain."

"You will. After we help Casper here." Aunt may glares at him.

"Not you to. Well at least it's not invisi-bill." Danny groans as he sits down in the floor and places his backpack and bag next to him.

"Invisi-bill?" Peter asks.

"The town called me that for the longest time. Like it's not that hard to remember to call him Danny Phantom but noooo. Well at least when they called my that they weren't calling me a menace." Danny says.

"I know how that feels. You try and do good and you get called a criminal." Peter agrees.

(Danny's pov)

"Phantom could you come sit on Peter's bed. It will be easier to bandage you up that why." Aunt may says, pointing to a spot with towels latex on it. I sit there and she begins to clean my wound.

"Peter huh?" I ask spiderman.

"Yea..." Peter says taking off his mask. "Peter Parker. Nice to meet ya." He holds out his hand. I shake it.

"I would transform back but I currently have Miss Parker bandaging me up. Which I'm very greatful for. But Fenton, Danny Fenton." I say, I don't know why but it just feels like I can trust these people.

"Fenton? You mean like the paranormal scientists from amity park?" Peter asks.

"Yea. It's really awkward being half ghost in a family of ghost hunters." I joke.

"Yikes. That's tuff. I hope you don't mind me asking but where did you get this wound? It's nothing like I have ever seen before and I work in a hospital." Miss Parker says worried.

"The G.I.W hit me on my way out of amity miss Parker. And there's no need to be worried I've dealt with worse and lived. Well half-lived." I try to reassure her.

"You can call me May or aunt May if you want." She offers, "and there we go. Done, now I want an explanation." Aunt may glares at Peter. Peter quickly explained to aunt may about how he got his powers and why he decided to be a hero.

"Really? I was just a hero because I had powers. It's not just like I could do nothing." I shrugged.

"So what brings you to New York?" Aunt may asked. Visions of the school exploding filled my head. I shook away the thought.

"How can I protect amity when I couldn't even save the people I cared for? The memories of everything that I did with them would just drag me down and maybe cost the life of another person. So I came to New York because there's already heroes here." I explained.

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