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Peters pov

School ended and I quickly raced out to meet up with Danny. "Sup web head." Danny smirks.

"Danny you can't call me that without the suit." I whisper to him. Danny rolled his eyes. We walked to the city when our phones rang. it was a news update, Rhino broke out of prison and in time square, demanding a rematch.

"We should probably deal with that." Danny says.

"Yea. I think it's time for you to make a big entrance, what do you say Casper?" I joke as we slip into an alley.

I quickly get on the suit while Danny just transform into Phantom by saying his signature phrase, "I'm going ghost!"

He quickly make our way to Times Square. Danny- uhh. Phantom goes invisible and sneaks behind Rhino. I swing forward and land in front of the crowd gathered around. "Hi big guy! Miss me?" I smirk.

"Spiderman! You won't be able to defeat me this time! My suit has been upgraded and I'm unstoppable!" He yells.

"Man that's the most cliche villain saying in the book. And yet the villains still lose." I say sarcastically. "And besides! I brought a friend this time, hey Casper! Show him your stuff." I smirk and get ready to fight.

"Spidey it's not Casper! It's Phantom!" Danny yells going visible and kicking Rhinos feet and tripping him.

"WHAT!" Rhino screams as he falls. Danny flys over to me.

"Remind me to never kick Rhino ever again. Because my leg hurts like hell from that." He cringes. Rhino gets back up.

"He looks pissed." I say.

"Yep." Danny agrees.

"I think it's time to take out the trash." I use my webs to grab a nearby trash can and fling it at rhinos face. It hits him straight in the face and knocks him back a bit. Now he's really pissed.

"Really? I think it's time for Rhino cool down a bit!" Danny says freezing ice around rhinos feet.

"Our puns are terrible." I realize.

"Hey I think mine are pretty ghoul." Danny says, shooting a ecto-blast at Rhino.

I quickly use webs to trip Rhino, "Well I think they are cheesier than the pizza around here."

Rhino gets up and punched me up the gut before I can move away. I go flying back. "SPIDERMAN! Why you little-" before Danny can finish what he's saying Rhino grabs him in one of the mechanical paws, choking him. Danny uses intangibility to get out of his grip. "You've got quite the choke hold." Danny says rubbing his neck.

"What?! How did you escape my grip?" Rhino says confused and pissed.

"It's called intangibility." Danny glared at him. Then I see a spark in Danny's eyes. "That's it!" Danny hits himself on the head. "Do I feel like an idiot." Danny says before using intangibility to grab rhino out of his suit and tossing him to the police who quickly put handcuffs on him. "Spidey?" Danny walks over.

I groan, "man Rhino has a punch."

"Thank god your ok you worried the living shit out of me." Danny scolded me.

"Let's just get back to the house." I say getting up. "I have a project I need to do."

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