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Danny's pov

I looked at the time. "Peter we gotta head back." I said. Peter groans. "If we don't then they're going to be suspicious." I answer.

"Fine. Bye Ethan bye Robin."

We walk down stairs. "Good luck guys. You'll need it." Ethan smiles.

"Don't die." Robin smirks. I laugh, "to late for that." We head back to the tower.

"Fenturd!" I hear a familiar voice yell. We were standing in front of the tower when two jocks ran up to us. "Dash? What are you doing in New York?" I ask. "I should be asking you that! You just disappeared after your freaky parents died!" I see a evil glint in his eyes. "I came to New York because there where to many memories in amity. So why are you here?" I ask "I came to visit my cousin, flash. Actually he told me about this one guy who had the balls to stand up to him." Dash begins. "And know that guy is all alone, a poor orphan who's family members keep getting hurt." Flash continued. Me and Peter back up.

"Flash come on. There's no need to start anything." Peter says. "Oh there is. No one stands up to us. We have a image to keep up." Dash smirks. Suddenly peters phone rings, flash grabs it. "Oh does Puny Parker have a friend?" He mocks. "Flash give me my phone back!" Peter says. "I always thought that fenturd and p.p over here would always be losers." Dash chuckles "I have friends!" I argue "Yea and the freaks are died." Dash smiles. I freeze, sam and Tucker. "Shut up! You didn't know anything about them!" I yelled.

Peter places his hand on my shoulder. "It's not a friend, it's our caretaker. Now give me my phone back." Peter said as i gave them the scary eyes. The two idiots didn't notice. "Oh right, you live with a caretaker because your stupid aunt got herself blown up." Flash says, throwing the phone at peter. I want to hurt them. I want to rip out there hair, the scratch there faces, to kick their balls. No one makes fun of the family I have left and gets away with it.

Peter noticed my anger and shakes his head. I sigh and nod. I see a look of defeat on Dash's face. "What is stupid Fenturd not going to do anything! Fine than I'll do something!" Dash pushes me to the ground and starts punching and kicking me. Flash does the same to Peter. I take the punches, they barley hurt anyway. I tried to shove Peter away from the fight, but it was to no prevail. As suddenly a leg clad in black kicked dash in the face.

A lady with red hair and an angered expression on her face appears. Mom.... no..... that's black widow! I sadden myself at my comparison of the two. "Tony sent me down. You ok?" She says helping us up. "Yea." Peter grumbles.

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