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Peters pov

Our classes went by fast and now it was lunch time. We walked outside to avoid the huge crowds of people inside. "So patrols after school. Wanna join?" I ask Danny. I never let him join before because he wasn't the most stable, you know with his whole family dying.

"Dude fucking yes." Danny says with his mouthful of lunch.

"Language." I joke.

"Ok sure thing Captain America." He jokes back.

"Oh please. Me, Captain America? Last time I checked he couldn't climb walls." I say quietly so no one else can hear.

"You never know. By the way have you sent the internship slip to stark yet?" Danny asks.

"Yep! Know we need to wait and see who he picks. Hopefully it's me." I say excitedly.

"Please your one of the smartest kids in school. Right before me that is." Danny says, "I'm sure that you'll be picked or at least be one of the main candidates." The bell rings.

"Time for electives." I say stretching my back.

"School is going to be the death of me." Danny groans.

"We both know that's incorrect." I say, we walk to our separate classes. I walk into chemistry and sit at my desk.

"All right class today we we'll be having an assignment! You will be working with your desk partner." The teacher continues about what the projects about, I look at my desk partner. They had a short curly black hair and bluish gray eyes. "Looks like we will be partners. The names Peter." I put my hand out for them to shake.

"The names Robin. And my preferred pronouns are they, them just so you know." They shake my hand.

"That's good to know. Here." I give them my number and address. "We can meet up at my house to work on the project." I offer.

"Sounds good." They say, giving me their number.

"I have something to do right after school. So I wouldn't come straight to my house unless you wanted to wait for an hour or so." I joke.


Danny's pov.

I walked into class and sat at my desk. The person who was sitting next to me tapped my shoulder.

"I heard that you stood up to flash. Is it true?" He had blonde hair with the sides shaved and forest green eyes.

"Yea? I don't get what's the big deal though. I was just standing up for peter." I shrugged.

"Flash is the biggest bully in the entire school. No one has ever dared standing up to him!" He said amazed, "the names Ethan." He says.

"Danny. Danny Fenton." I respond. The teacher goes on the talk about an assignment we have.

"You can pick your partners. Just choose wisely." Ethan looks at me.

"sure." I shrug and give him my number and address. "I'm busy after school I have to do something with Peter. but I'll probably be free around an hour after school." I explain.

"K. So at five?" Ethan asks.

"Sounds good."

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