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Danny's pov

It was dark. I had ectoranium cuffs dampening my powers. The truck their had me in suddenly came to a stop. They opened the back door, "come on you halfa scum." Agent o pulled me out of the car. I bit back my sarcastic comment. I gotta stay alive, Peter can't lose anyone else. And if aunt May survives, I have to be there for her.

"Looks like the freak doesn't have anything to say. That's a suprise, maybe this time we won't have to muzzle him." Agent k laughs. I look down, don't say anything, if you die peter will be all alone. I can't do that to him.

Someone, anyone, please. Don't let Peter end up all alone.

Peters pov

"Shit!" Tony curses.

I raise an eyebrow, "language." I say, before cap could.

"Not the time spidey. I just realized that Peter and Danny haven't returned home." Tony says, starting to freak out.


"Didn't Danny go to get help from Phantom?" Clint asked. 

"That Fenton kid? The one with the ghost problem? I remember he asked Phantom for help with this thing he called sloppy. Phantom flew him over to Amity, to deal with the ghost problem, and I haven't heard from him since them, all I got was a text that only said help. G.I.W." I say.

"That explains where Danny is, he's probably stuck in Amity, but what about Peter?" Bruce asks.

I shrug. "I'll call him." Tony says.

Oh god. I hope I left my phone on silent. Tony calls me. My phone goes off. "That's not my phone." I say, to the side of me I hear Steve sigh. My Spidey sense goes if and he pulls of my mask before I can move, "Crap..."

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Clint yells. I glare at him. "So this means Danny is-"

"yes Danny is Phantom." I sigh. "Danny is going to be so pissed." I groan. Tony is just staring, shocked. "Please stop staring Tony, you making this even more uncomfortable than it already is." I say.

"You are so grounded." Tony says, coming out of his stance. "One, your not my Dad. Two we kinda have to deal with the whole Danny has been freaking kidnapped!" I yell.

"Oh.... oh god! Danny!" Tony yells. Running inside to a computer. We run in after. I see him doing something on the computer, when suddenly a map with a bright red dot pops up.

"Don't tell me you put trackers on us." I sigh. Tony just laughs and shrugs. "I never thought I would be so happy for someone invading our privacy." I mutter looking at the positive side. "Let's go!" I say. "What can I say it?" I ask. Cap just sighs and nods. "Avengers assemble!" I yell.

"You are such a child." Natasha says.

"Hey! I'm more mature than Tony." I frown.

Tony gasps, "That is true." Natasha says.

"I am offended!"

"Exactly. Now let's get going." Cap says, walking to the quinjet, tossing my mask to me.

"Thanks." I say catching it and following after him. The quinjet is a pretty impressive piece of tech. I jumped onto the ceiling to sit.

"Peter that's got to be uncomfortable, with all the blood rushing to your head." Tony sighed.

I laugh, "It's actually a lot more comfortable than sitting in a car."

Bruce raises an eyebrow. "How?"

I shrug, "I blame spider powers."

"How did that even happen?" Cap asks.

"Radioactive spider bite." I say.

Clint laughs, "Ok that's funny but what actually happened."

I sigh, "I'm not joking Clint. That's what actually happened."

"How is that scientifically possible?" Tony asks.

"In not sure, but I'm guessing that the spiders venom did something to my DNA. Which is probably why it hurt so much." I thought out loud.

"How much did it hurt?" Tony asks.

I cringe, "I don't really want to talk about it. But let's just say it felt like my blood was replaced with lava." That comment earned some sympathetic looks. "I don't need your sympathy, that happened when I was fifteen, I'm seventeen know, it's been a couple of years."

"FIFTEEN!" Tony yells, causing me to fall of the ceiling in surprise. 

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