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(4 months later.)

Peters pov.

"Hey Mister Stark?" I call Tony.

"What is it Peter?" He asks.

"It's Danny's birthday and I was wondering if he could come join me today." I ask. Please say yes.

"I don't see why not! Do how old is he turning?" Tony asks.

"He's turning 16." I smile.

"Nice. Let's hope Thor doesn't give him alcohol like he did when it was your birthday." Tony jokes. My birthday was last month and I had to come in on that day. And Thor tried to give me beer, saying it was good for a growing boy.

Surprisingly Tony told Thor that it's illegal for me to drink. "Thanks Tony. Know I gotta go walk to birthday boy up." I say evilly.

"Peter I know that voice. Send me a vid." Tony hung up. I chuckled at Tony's childishness. I quickly grab some of that see through plastic wrap stuff and attach it to the door. I hide my phone and start recording.

I hide by the stairs and yell to Danny. "DANNY WAKE UP AUNT MAY MADE BIRTHDAY WAFFLES." "Huh? Waffles?" Danny says running out of the room, and hitting his head of the plastic wrap. He falls down and start groaning,"You bitch."

I laugh, "Did that hurt?"

"Not really." He groans. I go over and pick up my phone.

"You twat." He groans. "Twat? What are you British?" I laugh.

"Peter I know your recording. I know you and your probably going to send that to Stark. Might as well censor myself." He get up and glares at me. I laugh and end the video.

"There actually is birthday waffles downstairs. Let's hurry because I have a surprise for you." I say.

"If there's more plastic wrap I will ecto-blast you in the face." Danny threatens.

"There isn't. I'm not that big of a jerk." I smile, we head downstairs and eat breakfast.

I send Tony the video while Danny's not looking. "Nice kid." Tony texts back. We quickly eat breakfast and give Danny his presents. Aunt may got him a book about astronomy and got him a bag that has a bunch of pins on it, mostly Danny phantom and spiderman ones. Danny hugs us, "Thank you guys. Thank you so much."

"No prob. Now go get ready I have someplace I want to show you." I say. Danny flys up stairs and get dressed.

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