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Peters pov

"Sure. Why not." Natasha.

"Hawaiian please." I said.

"Did you know Hawaiian pizza was actually Canadian." Danny asked.

"Actually I didn't." I shrugged. (Well you should. People often ship you with a Canadian after all)

"Well the more you know." Danny joked.

"Just plain cheese please." Steve asks.

"I'm fine as long as their isn't mushrooms." Natasha said.

Bruce walked in the room. "Ordering pizza?" He asks.

"Yep!" Danny says, trying to sit upside down in the chair. "I'll take cheese.-" "ho merdo!" Danny yells falling of the chair. I start laughing.

Clint walks in. "Did Danny just curse in Esperanto?" He asked.

"Yep!" I laughed.

"How does Danny know Esperanto? And what did he say."

"I learned it because I have a friend who spoke it. So I learned it to talk to him." Danny explained, getting up from the floor.

"Who speaks Esperanto anymore? And by the way he said oh shit!" Clint said.

"Excuse me Katniss, but you understood what I said so technically you know how to speak it." Danny said.

"Danny watch you language!" Steve scold.

"I'm pretty sure that I can't see words come out of my mouth. I can hear them but not see them." Danny smirks.

Steve glares at him. "Smart ass" he mumbles.

"LANGUAGE." I yell. Me and Danny high five. Steve glares at both of us.

"Did we make Capsical mad?" Danny wonders out loud.

"Maybe he should chill out." I reply.

"You two are going to be the end of me." Steve sighs.

"We're just messing with ya Steve." I say.

"The sass is strong with these two." Clint says.

"Says the bird." Danny smirks.

"What did you call me?" Clint says offended.

"A bird!" Danny says running out of the room.

"Get back here!" He cashes after Danny.

"You'll never catch me alive!" Danny yells running into our room and locking the door.

"Looks like Clint and Danny are getting along." Natasha says as Clint curses at the door.

"Sure let's just go with that." Steve says.

"I HAVE THE POP OF TARTS." Thor yells, holding up a pop tart.

"Good for you Thor." Tony sighs and tells Jarvis his pizza order.

Danny's pov.

I hid in my bedroom. Clints outside cursing me off for calling him bird. "Danny get out here."

"No bird brains!" I snicker.

"I'm going to kick the door down!" Clint threatens.

"PIZZAS HERE! Clint stop trying to kill Danny." Tony yelled.

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