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Danny's pov

"So your telling me that you have dealt with being dissected before." Steve says.

"I'm literally half dead. I put up with a lot of crap." I say.

"How can you be so calm?" Clint asks.

"Me and Natasha are trained Spy's and even we haven't dealt with that kind of stuff."

"Well your a full human. I'm a weird ghost-human thing, that there's literally only two, well three kinda, of in the world, it kinda makes people want to experiment on you and figure how the heck that is because it's literally a scientific anomaly." I say, "Aka lucky me."

"That sucks." Steve says.

"Well at least this time wasn't as bad as the first. I learned my lesson about being super sarcastic around people who literally kidnapped you and plan to rip you open, treat you like a monster and not give you any pain killers." I say.

"But I guess that's what I get for existing." I joke.

"That's morbid." Natasha says.

"Dark humour is in." I shrug.

"Can we change the subject?" I ask, wanting to get off the depressing subject.

"So how did you get your powers?" Fury asked.

"My parents had built a portal to the ghost zone. When they tested it out it wouldn't turn on. They eventually gave up and went upstairs. My friends dared me to go inside, being the dumb kid I am I did. Turns out the on switch was inside the portal, and I accidentally fell and hit it, turning the portal on while I was still in it. Next thing I know is that I have snow white hair and glowing greens eyes." I explain.

Fury nods and leaves the room. Leaving all the Avengers except for Tony in the room. "So how did you guys find out? Cause Peter's description sucked." I ask.

Clint goes to tell in detail. Including the fact that peters phone went off and he immediately said, "that's not my phone."

I laugh, "Ok that sounds like something Peter would do." Then Clint told me about how when they where on the quinjet Peter fell of the ceiling. "Peter does that a lot. It's hilarious. You know the other day when Thor yelled something and you come in the find Peter on the ground?" I asks.

"yea?" Clint says.

"Well peter was siting on the ceiling when that happened and Thor surprised him." I laugh.

"Peter is quite the vigilant man." Thor laughs.

"He is."

Peter pov

"TONY NO!" I held Tony back.


"Tony you can't just blow up all there facilities! There could be innocent people!" I scolded him.


"No buts tony. If where going to do this than we must do it in a civilized way. Aka why don't we just hack them or maybe ask shield for help?" I said, letting go of Tony.

"Finnnne." He groaned.

I sigh, "You are literally a kid."

Fury walks in, "Hello Stark, hello Parker." "Hi Fury. You know how stubborn Tony is? I literally had to hold him back so that he would go blow up the G.I.W facilities!" I groaned.

"One they deserve it for dissecting Danny! Two I am not stubborn!" Tony says.

"Tony don't start this again." I sigh.

"Parker I need you to come with me." Fury says.


"Ohhh peters in trouble!" Tony called out.

"Screw you Tony." I said, walking away with Fury.

"So mister Fury. Why did you need me?" I ask.

"I want you to demonstrate or explain your powers." Fury says.

"Okay? That's it?" I ask. Fury nods. "I can stick to most surfaces." I say, Jumping onto the ceiling. "I'm a lot more acrobatic than a normal person. I have the proportional strength of a spider. I have this thing I call my spidey-sense which is like a danger sense, And heightened senses. And I think that's about it. Oh I also made these webshooters, the webbing doesn't naturally come out of my wrists." I say, jumping off the ceiling and showing him my webshooters.

"That's all?" Fury asks. "Yep that's all." I say. Fury nods and walks away, where to? I have no idea. 

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