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Danny's pov.

Me and Peter just layed on our beds, in silence. "We should probably get up and see what everyone is doing." Peter said, getting of the top bunk.

"Fine" I groan. We walk out of the room and head to the living room. Steve was siting there with Tony and Natasha.

"Sup guys." I said, jumping onto a chair and scaring Tony. Steve laughed.

"Very funny." Tony glared at him.

"Not many people can surprise Tony like that. Besides Natasha and Clint, but there trained spies. So that doesn't really count." Steve explains.

"My mom did always say I could be as silent as a ghost." I chuckle, remembering that after she said that dad screamed "ghost!"

"Really? Cause I can never get you to stop talking." Peter joked.

"It's means I have quite foot steps." I glare at him, "aka I'm graceful walker. Unlike you mister I fall down the stairs." I smirk.

"That was one time Danny. One time." Peter groans.

"And that one time will be held against you." I smirk.

"Jerk." Peter mumbles.

I roll my eyes. "So what you guys doing?" I ignore Peter.

"Not much. We just talking." Natasha says.

"Talking about what?" Peter asks. The adults look at each other.

"Well we kinda where talking about how you probably have gotten the worst sweet sixteen birthday ever." Steve answered.

I shrug, "I honestly don't care. Birthdays are just days that signify that your closer to death." Peter laughs at that.

"That's a dark way to put it." Natasha says.

"Well I got it from my friends." I say. "Which friends?" Steve asks.

"The dead ones." I say sadly. The adults look at each other, kinda freaked out.

"So Sam and Tucker?" Peter asks.

"Yea." I answer.

"This is getting dark. So what where your friends like." Tony said trying to lighten the subject.

"Sam was badass. If you messed with her you would get kicked in the shin. She was an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian. Meaning she wouldn't eat anything with a face. She was incredibly stubborn at times. Tucker was a techy that could hack almost anything. He would name his PDA. He was also a huge meat lover. So him and Sam would often fight. Especially when we ordered pizza." I say. Remembering all the good old times.

"I really miss them." I whispered softly.

"You've got some interesting friends." Tony smiled.

"We where just a bunch of losers who happened to be friends despite the odd circumstances." I smiled.

"That's the best type of friends." Steve says.

"It is. It really is." Peter smiled.

"Alright I'm hungry can we please order pizza." Tony says.

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