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Peters pov.

Natasha looks at us. I cringe internally, she probably thinks we are super weak. "If those boys ever bother you again, tell someone." She says before leading us into the building.

"Can we just head up to the room?" Danny asks nervously. She nods, and tells Jarvis the floor number. The elevator opens and me and Danny attempt to make our way to our room.

Tony stops us, "Why didn't you tell us?" He frowns.

"It's our problem, we didn't want to worry anybody." I explain.

"Still! Bullies? You can't just let them bet you up! Stand up for your self." Tony argues.

"Stand up and what? They well just move on and start beating up other kids. I will gladly take the pain to stop that." Danny says and grabs my arm, pulling me into our room.

But what we didn't know is that all the avengers just heard what happened.

Clints pov.

I kinda feel bad for getting really angry at Danny. We all heard what was happening on the phone, Bruce almost let the big guy out. Cap was stuck in his memories. And Natasha, while her face stayed calm, her eyes where a ragging storm. Thor was slightly confused, but angry that some one was hurting the kids. But tony....

Holy shit.

He was livid. He had become very protective of Peter, and in the short time he knew Danny he had became very protective.

"They remind me of a certain skinny Brooklyn kid with a big heart I once knew." Cap said, trying to calm down Tony.

"I wish they would have at least tell us. They do realize they don't have to deal with this all by themselves." Tony sighs.

"They just don't want anyone to worry about them." I add.

"The son of Fenton and Peter have a warriors heart." Thor said, "they put others well being before there own." Thor bit into a pop tart.

Something clicked in Tony's mind. "Wait, Fenton. I've heard that name somewhere before." He said, typing some stuff into a tablet. "That's it! The Fenton where paranormal scientists that lived in Amity park." He said, showing a article about the family.

And there he was, a younger Danny. Standing by a girl with blue eyes and red hair, his sister Jazz. I gasped, "Look at his mom! She looks kinda like Natasha." Natasha's eyes widened a bit.

"Earlier when I kicked the idiots that bullied him I noticed that he looked sad when he looked at me. I must of reminded of his mom." She thought out loud.

"That's not the only reason. The article says she was a black belt in martial arts." Steve points out.

"Guys. They where paranormal scientists. They where ghost hunters." Bruce says. We all realize what he's saying.

"Danny could know something about Phantom." I say.

The Phantom and his Spider palTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon