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** - Thoughts

The Gates Of Konoha

A teen and a old man walk into Konoha

Kotetsu - Hey now is that who I think it is

Izumo - Mhmm no doubt about it

Sakura is walking down the street

??? - Hey Sakura

Sakura - hmm

She turns around to see Konohamaru and his two friends running up to her

Sakura - Oh hey Konohamaru

Konohamaru - So where are you off to?

Sakura - The main gate. I have to pick up this mornings pedestrian traffic ledger for Lady Tsunade. Do you want to come along?

They headed on their way

Naruto - It's been about 2 and a half years

Jiriya - So it has

Konohamaru - And then the cat went nutso and started scratching my face off

Sakura - We had missions just like that. Brings back a lot of memories

Konohamaru - Hey by the way have you heard and thing or got any word from Naruto

Sakura - Nope nothing yet

Konohamaru - Awh to bad

Sakura - But he should be popping up around here pretty soon

They soon was in front of Izumo and Kotetsu

Sakura - Hey Izumo, Kotetsu. How are you today?

Kotetsu - Well look whos here

They looked at him confused

Kotetsu - Something's waiting for you back in town

Izumo - Yeah you have to see it to believe it

Sakura - What are you talking about

Sakura looked to her left towards town

Sakura - No way

Naruto set his bag down and walked up a pole

Jiriya smiled

Jiriya - Always rambunctious

Naruto - Now this takes me back. The village hasn't changed a bit. I'm home everyone! Naruto Uzumaki has returned to the leaf village! Man I'm feeling so nostalgic right now. Mhmm

He looked at the Hokage Monument

Naruto - Hey they added granny Tsunade's face up there

Sakura and Konohamaru's team where running through town and came to a stop

Sakura - Is it...Is it really him

Konohamaru - Ha looks like

Sakura - Naruto! Naruto is that you!

Naruto looked down and saw Sakura and Konohamaru's team

Sakura - When did you get back to the village Naruto

Naruto - Oh just now

He jumped down and walked up to Sakura

Naruto - Long time no see huh Sakura

he laughed

She smirked then looked at him

Sakura - Wait a minute you've gotten taller than me haven't you

Naruto - Huh

He measured 

Naruto - I guess I have

*Sakura - He seems more grown up since the last time I saw him*

Sakura - So what do you think do I seem more like a woman to you now

Naruto - Are you kidding not really you haven't changed at all

She got mad and turned away and crossed her arms over her chest

Naruto - Hnm

*Jiriya - Hnm smooth move kid could you be anymore oblivious*

Konohamaru - Hey! Naruto!

Naruto - Huh

He looked past Sakura and saw Konohamaru

Konohamaru did his sexy jutsu

Konohamaru - Cutie Jutsu

Jiriya freaked out while Sakura was repulsed

Konohamaru - Well what do you think? Not to bad in the curved department huh?

Naruto laughed

Naruto - Konohamaru I'm not that scrawny little kid anymore and you should 't be using jutsu like that either it's beneath you

*Sakura - Well I'll be it's not just the outside that's changed. I kind of miss the old Naruto but you've turned out pretty well haven't you? Knowing you I bet you have a whole slue of new jutsu to show us.*

Naruto -  I mean come on Konohamaru is that all you got!? Now step aside and get a load of my brand spanking new hotie ninjutsu

*Sakura - Right like a new hottie ninjutsu*

Naruto - Here we go

Sakura thought about it then punched Naruto he went flying

Sakura - Are you kidding me

Konohamaru and his team huddled on Jiriya while Sakura stomped up to Naruto whose head was in the ground. She picked him up by the feet, dropped him and then gripped his jacket in her fist and shook him

Sakura - What the heck is wrong with you, you little doofus!? We don't see each other for over 2 years and you've got the nerve to pull a stunt like that! Do you have any idea how that make me feel!? DO YOU!?

*Jiriya - That hot temper and that monster strength you've raised a Tsunade Junior*

*Yep Sakura hasn't changed at all. She might even be more vicious than ever*

Sakura - Huh you say something!?

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