The Quietly Approaching Threat

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** - Thoughts

Yugito was running through the sewers away from Kakazu, Hidan and CeCe. Hidan's scythe was hurling towards her but as she exited the doorway she jumped in the air to avoid it and landed facing the doorway she came from.

Hidan - Quick on your feet huh, aren't you? Hmm then again my attack speed is the slowest and my aim is the worst among all the Akatsuki

The three then came into the light and into her view

Yugito - I see. I knew you guys were Akatsuki

Kakazu - She's all yours

CeCe - Well, you're pretty good.

Kakazu - Hey, Hidan. She's the Two-Tailed Jinchuriki. You'll die if you get careless.

Hidan - Don't give me that, Kakazu! I'd like her to kill me anyway.

CeCe - Let's get this over with

Hidan - Hold it. Before doing that I must pray to my god.

Kakazu - You're always such a pain in the neck.

Hidan - It's a pain in the neck for me, too. But the commandments are strict, so I have no choice, do I?!

Yugito - You probably think you've got me cornered But you don't. I lured you guys here, you see!


The walls surrounding the three collapsed

Yugito - Now that I know you are with the Akatsuki, I cannot let you escape.

Hidan - Oh, man We're trapped

CeCe - No problem.

Kakazu - This is favorable for us.

Yugito - I'm Yugito Ni of the Hidden Clouds, and you're through

Hidan - Hey careful you wanna watch making threats like that. When people get all full with themselves and start throwing around the tough talk it gets me annoyed. And when I'm annoyed, I become mad. And then I lose my temper

Kakazu - Shut up, Hidan.

Hidan - Okay. Okay But you know, when I become mad, I start feeling like, "I don't care about our objective. I just want to smash everything.

CeCe - Knock it off, Hidan. The objective is absolute.

Hidan - This mission doesn't go along with my religion in the first place. The motto of the Jashin religion is mass slaughter. Leaving people alive goes against the commandments. From the outset, I'm not inclined to take part in a mission that breaks the commandments. I may not look it, but I'm quite devout! So not being able to kill is a pain in the neck. So how about we settle this by talking things over?

Yugito - Talking things over, you say? *What's up with this guy?*

Hidan - Why don't you just come quietly?

Yugito - Stop messing around!

Hidan - Huh? Looks like that's a no.

Kakazu - Are you an idiot?

Hidan - Come on. Are you kidding me? What's up with this Jinchuriki? She's totally morphed into a Tailed Beast.

Yugito transformed into Matatabi the two-tailed beast. She swiped at Kakazu and pushed him into the ground

Hidan - Uh-oh!

She then blew a fireball out of her mouth towards CeCe and Hidan but they jumped out if the way

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