Sealing Jutsu - Nine Phantom Dragons

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** - Thoughts

Lady Chiyo and Ebizo walked down the hall to the medical treatment room when they were spotted by a tean of doctors

Doctor #1 - Who're they?

Doctor #2 - Oh, that's Granny Chiyo and Ebizo.

Doctor #3 - No way. I thought they were supposed to have long since been retired.

They passed through the doctors and made it to Treatment Room 3. Baki and he doctors inside looked back at them

Baki - Oh, we have been expecting you. Please enter. I think you all know who these people are. This is Lady Chiyo and Lord Ebizo.

Doctors - Welcome.

Ebizo - Hm? If I'm not mistaken, this is

Baki - It's Kankuro. The current Kazekage's older brother.

Ebizo - Oh, that's right.

Chiyo - You checked his blood, right?

Doctor #2 - Y-Yes. Please look at this.

He handed Lady Chiyo Kankuros bloodwork

Chiyo - I've never seen composition like this before.

Doctor #1 - Yes. We believe it might be a new type of poison.

Chiyo - Have you tried an antidote?

Doctor #1 - For the time being, we tried using what we had. But none had any identifiable effects.

Chiyo - I see Ordinarily, he would just finish the job It appears he's very confident about his poison. Leaving his prey as is on purpose is just like Sasori.

Deidara and Sasori were walking on the ground while CeCe sat on the bird gathering chakra from Gaara

Deidara - Finally we're out of the Sand.

Sasori - I hate making people wait Let's hurry.

Deidara - Good grief. Whose fault was it that it took this long?

Sasori - That goes for both of us.

Deidara - Oh yeah. 

Lady Chiyo made another antidoe but it didn't work

Chiyo - All right. This one didn't work, either.

Ebizo - You haven't tried anything else?

Baki - For the time being, we have requested the Leaf for a specialist team to be dispatched. It would be best to wait for their arrival.

Chiyo - Talk about depending on others. This happened because you depend on alliances with other lands and conduct nothing but slipshod education.

Baki - It is not our intention to depend on others.

Ebizo - I guess it can't be helped It's his fault for losing his cool and pursuing too far. A Shinobi is the last person who should do that

Chiyo - What's the point of trusting and being totally dependent on the likes of the Leaf? Improving the strength of your own village should be your top priority. They are them, we are us. Listen. An amicable alliance is nothing but a pipe dream. At times like this, the most we can expect is for them to send us some useless underlings for form's sake.

Baki - That would never happen

Chiyo - That's how it goes. Everyone looks out for themselves.

Kakashi stood up

Kakashi - Okay, break's over.

His voice woke Sakura and Temari

Sakura - Huh? Kakashi Sensei, where's Naruto?

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