The Terrifying Secret

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** - Thoughts

Kakazu - Fire Style: Searing Migraine!

The fire covered the land and raced towards them

Kakashi - *He can even use the Fire Style?*

Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino were trying to dodge the debris

Shikamaru - Choji! Ino! You guys okay?

Ino - Uh huh

Choji - Yep

Kakashi pushed back using several water walls. Once he escaped the smoke Hidan came up from behind but he was able to dodge his attack and they continued fighting up the tree. Once they reached the top they clashed their weapons and pushed each other back

Hidan - You're really are good

Choji, Ino and Shikamaru jumped down next to Kakashi

Choji - Kakashi Sensei!

Ino - Are you okay?

Kakashi - Yeah *That being said, I've used four Lighting Blade shots while using the Sharingan I can't let this drag on*

Ino - They're good. They work seamlessly together.

Choji - And here Kakashi Sensei definitely nailed him with the Lightning Blade. Why won't he die?

Kakashi - I'm sure I crushed his heart. He really should be dead. But what I killed was one of the monsters that came out of his body. We can assume that it died in place of his real body.

Shikamaru - It was the same when he broke my Shadow Possession Shuriken Jutsu. Something that looked like a heart was attached to the arm that had been separated from his body and it was moving on its own.

Choji - What does that mean?

Shikamaru - If you include his real body, each monster that came out of his body has a heart, and they are all his. In other words, it means he probably has five hearts.

Choji - How can he?

Shikamaru - However, he lost one of them to Sensei's Lightning Blade just now, though.

Ino - Then that means we have to crush his other four hearts in order to take him out completely? Yeah You're very perceptive.

Shikamaru - That's exactly right I took each of these hearts from Shinobi I once fought. I can always replenish my stock with your hearts.

Kakashi - *I get it By connecting his Chakra Network to the others' hearts, he incorporates their Chakra natures as well, huh? No wonder he's able to use several different natures.*

Hidan - By the way, does the Hidden Leaf Village bury their dead? Burials are a pain in the neck, you see. I bet Kakazu's going to say, "We're going to dig up the body and exchange him for money." And here I thought I could have some fun with that bearded jerk He was nothing special, after all.

Kakazu - You're one to talk, especially since you got your head chopped off

Hidan - Shut up! You keep quiet! I'm sure you guys are intent on revenge. But you guys are too weak for that. You all look like kids. I guess you were his students, huh? Well, with scum like him as your teacher, you won't amount to much.

Choji - Don't insult Asuma Sensei!

Shikamaru - Choji.

Hidan - Beautiful loving bonds between student and teacher, huh? Heh, how stupid!

Choji - You jerk!

Shikamaru - Choji!

Hidan - What's so great about an idiot like that? Fatso?!

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