The Judgement

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** - Thoughts


When the dust cleared Hidan was on one knee as if blocking the attack

Hidan - Hurts doesn't it?

Asuma looked as if he was the one who got burned

Hidan - Well? The judgment has been handed down.

Izumo - Wh-What do you mean?

Hidan - How about it? Has this helped you understand the pain that other people feel, even a little bit?

Asuma - *Even my arm Has his Jutsu done something? No, that can't be*

Hidan - You have already fallen under my curse. The ceremony will now begin. Well, then Why not taste the ultimate pain with me?!

Izumo - Why is Captain Asuma burned? Wasn't his opponent the one hit by the Fire Style Jutsu?! He definitely was hit.

Kotetsu - But for some reason, Captain Asuma was also burned by the Jutsu!

Shikamaru - This could it be that

Kakazu - This will net us 35 million in gold.

Hidan - All the preparations are now complete! It's going to hurt like crazy, so get ready!

Asuma ran at Hidan but before he could get to him Hidan stabbed himself in the leg and Asuma fell to the ground

Hidan - Take that! It hurts, doesn't it?! But this is nothing. I haven't got you in a vital spot yet! Believe me, THAT pain is out of this world! The pain another feels while dying penetrates into my own body! I pass through the pain, transcend it, and turn it into pleasure!

Izumo - Captain Asuma is holding his left leg. Something strange is going on.

Kotetsu - It's the same injured leg as the opponent who stabbed himself with his own lance!

Izumo - Wh-Why. But of course

Asuma - *His body and mine are connected with some curse. In other words, the damage dealt to our bodies is also linked. Furthermore, he is immortal.*

Hidan - Where would you like to hurt next? Hmm? Here? Or here? How about both legs at the same time?! Or shall we end now?! How about it?!

Izumo - Shikamaru! You must not use a physical attack like Shadow Sewing! Stop his movements with Shadow Strangle Jutsu! Hurry!

Shikamaru - I'm already on it! *Better make it in time! Please make it in time!*

Hidan - Die--!

Before Hidan could stab himself in the heart Shikamaru used his shadow possession to stop him.

Shikamaru - Do you think I'd let that happen?!

Izumo - You did it, Shikamaru!

Hidan - This won't stop me for long!

Kotetsu - Izumo, how many minutes have passed since you requested backup? About ten minutes.

Izumo - It'll be at least another 20 minutes before reinforcements arrive.

Kotetsu - That long?! Damn! What should we do?! If we kill him, Captain Asuma will also die!

Izumo - Usually, one must kill one's opponent in order to break a long-lasting type Jutsu. But if that is not possible

Shikamaru - Every Jutsu inevitably has rules associated with it, as well as risks and pitfalls. First, I need to calm down and analyze the opponent.

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