The Jinchuriki's Tears

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** - Thoughts

More importantly, the plan to rescue Lord Kazekage should be the priority!

Securing village safety is what's important! We must not break up our limited forces in conditions like this.

What did you say?!

Oh, excuse me

Reporting! An enemy trap has been discovered in the rubble blocking the entrance. We are currently proceeding with its detonation There have been no casualties. However, a portion of the entrance collapsed due to the effects of the explosion. It seems it will take an extra half day for repairs!

Got it.

Arrange it so that those who are available are dispatched to the repair site immediately.

Hey wait! Thanks to Gaara, the Village Hidden in the Sand was left almost completely undamaged But we paid too great a price for that

Reporting! All of the bodies of those guarding the skies have been verified. There is probably little doubt that the enemy infiltrated the center of the village from the sky

Excuse me!


We have been contacted by the tracking unit. Kankuro was discovered about half a day out of the village. He is unconscious and in serious condition.


Some members of the tracking unit have recovered Kankuro and his puppets. They are on their way back to the village.

What about the location of Lord Kazekage?

The remaining members of the tracking unit are in pursuit. There should be a report soon

Sasori appeared in front of Deidara and CeCe

Deidara - You're late, Sasori my man I thought you didn't like to keep people waiting.

Sasori - But I had enough fun to make up for that.

Deidara - What's up with that?

CeCe - Don't get so touchy.

Sasori - You secured your mission target, the One-Tail, after all. My mission comes next after taking care of this guy.

Deidara - But the one you're after

Sasori - Yeah, I still don't know where he is It'd be easier if he'd just come to me

Deidara - Yeah. That's right What kind of Jinchuriki was he again? Well, worst case scenario, even if I can't find him nobody can complain since we caught one of the Jinchuriki.

Team Kakashi were jumping through the trees heading toward the hidden sand village

Naruto - Gaara, we're coming!

Sakura - Naruto! I know you're in a hurry, but don't disrupt the unit!

Naruto - But, but!

Kakashi - Don't lose your cool Master Jiraiya told you not to, remember?

Sakura - For crying out loud. Temari!

They soon came across Temari and told her the story

Temari - Gaara Gaara What?! Gaara was?! I was having a bad feeling

Kakashi - It'll take about two and a half days to get to the Sand from here. Let's hurry.

Temari - Right.

She then joined them

Treatment Room 3

Doctor - Hurry up and get him to the operating room! Operating Room Is thispoison?! Prepare an antidote!

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