When You Curse Someone, You Dig Your Own Grave

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** - Thoughts

Choji - Thanks for the support

Ino - Sakura Sai and Naruto.

Yamato - I've never seen you this beat, Kakashi.

Kakashi - One of those days

Yamato - This enemy must be pretty strong.

Kakazu - More strange people. And he is pretty messed up already

Choji - Naruto, are you okay?

Naruto - Where is Shikamaru?

Choji - He's a little ways off fighting the other enemy.

Kakashi - I want two of you to head towards Shikamaru. Preferably, a long-distance fighter and a medic.

Kakashi summoned Pakkun

Pakkun - I'll take care of it.

Yamato - All right! Sai and Sakura follow Pakkun's lead and support Shikamaru!

Sakura - Yes, Sir!

Sai - Yes.

Kakazu - Hah! What's this unorganized gang trying to do? Now there're more hearts for me to choose from.

Naruto - From here on, this one's mine.

Ino - Naruto

Pakkun - We're off!

Sakura - Naruto, I leave it to you!

Pakkun, Sakura and Sai then left

Kakashi - Did you complete it?

Yamato - No only about 50 percent.

Kakashi - I see

Yamato - But Well, just watch. Naruto is not the same person he used to be.

Pakkun - This way!

Sai - Either way To go against an opponent who killed Asuma alone Is Shikamaru I mean, Shikamaru going to be all right?

Sakura - Shikamaru is fine. *He is the most intelligent Shinobi in the Land of Fire. No need to worry about Shikamaru. Besides, this is the battle to avenge Asuma Sensei. Shikamaru should be fighting the enemy with a perfect plan.*

Hidan was inching his way towards Shikamaru

Hidan - Hate to break it to you but I can still move! If you had believed in Lord Jashin, you may have gotten a helping hand in your time of need. If you'll believe in Lord Jashin from now on to honor your reformation. Just kidding it's time for you to go

As Hidan swiped at Shikamaru his hand was stopped

Shikamaru - Thanks anyway but I can save myself. Shadow Pull Jutsu!

Hidan - Y-You!

Shikamaru closed his fist causing the paper bombs to wrap around Hidan's body

Shikamaru - I still have this much chakra left.

Hidan - You

Shikamaru then threw a sword at a spot he marked on the ground

Hidan - Wh-What are you doing?!

Shikamaru - Just watch

The ground cracked around Hidan causing him to dangle above the hole in the ground

Hidan - What?! What happened?! When did you do this?!

Shikamaru - I had this trap prepared beforehand.

Hidan - *So he didn't just separate us on a whim, but he purposely lured me here? Then this was all his plan!*

Shikamaru - When you curse someone, you dig two holes. You know what that means?

Hidan - What?!

Shikamaru - If you curse to kill someone, you also get killed in retribution, that's why you need two holes for the burial. You cursed and killed my teacher. Don't think I'll let you get away free and easy. This hole is your grave.

Hidan - I am not gonna die. Even if my body is dismembered into pieces and only my head remains, I am going to drag myself out and eat your throat!

Hidan then noticed the deer surrounding them

Hidan - Deer?

Shikamaru - These woods are a special place in the Land of Fire. Our family is the only ones allowed in. No one else comes here. Our family will always keep an eye on you.

As Shikamaru was trying to ignite Asuma's lighter a ghostly hand landed on Shikamaru's shoulder. Shikamaru turned to the right to see Asuma.

Asuma - You did a great job, Shikamaru. My Will of Fire is now yours.

Th lighter finally ignited and Shikamaru took a deep breathe

Hidan - You, why are you turning that on?

Shikamaru - *It's the Will of Fire the will to protect our village. Good bye Sensei.*

Shikamaru threw the lighter at Hidan cause the paper bombs to explode

Naruto - Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Kakazu - Multiple Shadow Clones I see You are the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki.

Yamato - What's the situation and the enemy's power? The enemy is two Akatsuki.

Kakashi - As I said before, Shikamaru is fighting one of them and the other one is in front of us. This guy has the power to split. Those two masks on the shoulders split from the torso. Each mask has a separate heart and moves independently. He originally had five hearts. He lost two and has only three now.

Yamato - What do you mean?

Kakashi - I've killed him twice already. We need to kill him three more times to finish him off. Plus, he's an intermediate distance fighter and can use multiple Change in Chakra Natures.

Yamato - *No wonder you were having a hard time* Naruto!

Naruto and his clones ran at Kakazu

Naruto - I heard it!

Choji - Naruto!

Ino - It's no use charging in recklessly!

Kakazu - You can only make Shadow Clones? You can't beat me with that.

Naruto - *Based on his attack speed and fighting style, I need at least three Shadow Clones to distract him.*

Kakashi - *He gathered each clones' experience and processed it and based on that, he formed a simulation. His ability to use Shadow Clones has advanced.*

Naruto - Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Kakazu - *Three Shadow Clones*

Naruto and his clones started making the new and improved Rasengan

Ino - What's that?

Choji - What a high pitched Chakra!

Kakazu - Interesting, now what? *What is that Jutsu?! If I get hit by that then I'm definitely doomed.*

Kakazu suddenly got a mind message from CeCe

CeCe - I'm on the way. It seems you aren't the only one who is beaten

Naruto - Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!

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