The Death of Gaara

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** - Thoughts

Team Guy was asleep except for Neji

Team Kakashi was asleep except for Chiyo and Kakashi. Chiyo looked at Naruto as he slept and saw that he looked like Sasori as he slept with his parents

*Chiyo - Sasori*

Guy woke up

Guy - All right, break's over.

Lee - Guy Sensei, are you sure?

Guy - Absolutely. I'm totally fine. I woke up completely refreshed.

Pakkun - Well Neji?

Neji - It's alright. He has appalling recuperative power.

Pakkun - Uh-huh So that leaves

TenTen - I'm ready to go, too.

Guy - All right, now to make up for the time we lost resting, we're going to double the pace.

TenTen - What?!

Lee - No, let's make it triple. If we do that, we'll arrive earlier than first planned.

Guy - I hear ya. All right guys, let's make it quadruple the pace while we're at it.

Neji and TenTen glared at them

Guy - What's the matter?

Neji - That's impossible, no matter how you consider things.

TenTen - I told you guys to stop getting so carried away!

Lee - Guy Sensei, that's why I said triple the pace.

Pakkun - Lee, that's a little off, too.

Kakashi - Now then that should be enough rest

Kakashi jumped down from the tree and walked over to the rest of the team

Kakashi - Break time is over. We should get going.

Chiyo nodded

Kakashi - Wake up, you two.

Naruto - Okay in a minute just give me a minute more

Kakashi - You're going to save Gaara, aren't you?

Naruto rushed out of his sleeping bag

Naruto - Of course I am!

Temari looked out at the forest

Temari - Somewhere out there is the Akatsuki hideout. I'm sorry Gaara

CeCe - We'll now be entering the final stage.

Kisame - What shall we do about the pesky flies?

Black Zetsu - They're moving at a greater speed than anticipated.

Pein - No problem. We stalled them effectively. Just ignore them. Besides, we've got some insurance.

Deidara - In the end, we'll be the ones who have to take care of them.

CeCe - You seem to forget you will be handling them on your own as I will be joining Hidan and Kakazu

Sasori - Let's hurry and finish things up here, Deidara. We've got guests to greet. You'll want to catch a breath before that, don't you?

Deidara - That's right. We have welcoming preparations to take care of.

Kisame - Man, they're sure a pain.

Hidan - And we're having a hard time finding our Jinchuriki

Kakazu - Don't get so irritated. We just need to take care of our own missions.

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