Shikamaru's Genius

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** - Thoughts

*Only audio of the fight*

Kakashi - Over there! *He's trying to force me into an open area where he can shoot me down*

Kakazu - Is that your idea of hiding?

Choji - Sensei!

Ino - Sensei!

Kakazu - You did a good job of hiding this time, Kakashi. But do you have the courage to show yourself before us again?

Kakashi - Not again! Water Style: Water Wall! Fire with the wind Change in Chakra Nature added to it can't be put out just with Water Style, huh? Looks like I'll have to confront him at close range, after all.

Choji - Kakashi Sensei!

Kakazu - It appears you didn't get around to watching out for my movements. Your heart is mine.

Hidan - Die! How about that? It's addicting pain, isn't it? How worthless Lord Jashin must be disappointed. Now Kakazu must be about finished by now, too

Kakazu - Wh-What did you do?

Kakashi - It seems he made it just in time

Shikamaru stood up and Hidan turned around to get cut at the neck...again

Hidan - I-Impossible!

Shikamaru - Not deep enough?!

Shikamaru used his shadow possession to trap him

Hidan - You jerk. How are you alive?!

Shikamaru - I just pretended I was dead. The blood on that weapon isn't mine. It's your partner's blood.

Kakazu - I-Impossible

Kakashi - Yes, it is possible. Your own blood was used for your partner's ritual. Shikamaru knew his opponent's ability utilized blood, after all. He'd prepared capsules of blood in advance.

What does that mean? Anyone would've been fine If given an opportunity, we needed to get your partner's blood.

Hidan - What are you saying?!

Kakazu - It can't be. When did you have the chance?!

Kakashi - When I put a hole inside you with my Lightning Blade I took your blood at the same time.

Shikamaru - That was our strategy.

Hidan - You jerk!

Kakazu - No way That kid He planned that far ahead

Kakashi - That's about the size of it. You should've handled him more carefully. You guys really underestimated him. There's no way he would let the information that cost Asuma his own life go to waste. You guys who take peoples' lives without hesitation could probably never understand how he feels.

Choji - Kakashi Sensei!

Ino - Are you okay?

Kakashi - Well somehow I guess.

Ino - *I can't believe they invaded his body this much in such a short period of time. If Shikamaru had taken any longer*

Kakashi tried to pull the strings out of his chest

Ino - Slowly! Make sure not to damage the vessels. I'll treat you immediately with my Medical Ninjutsu.

Kakashi - The treatment can wait! Here they come!

Kakashi pulled the strings out as the mask ran at them. Choji stood in front if Ino and Kakashi

Choji - Expansion Jutsu! Super Slap!

Ino - Nice! Good one, Choji!

Kakashi - Oh no!

Ino - What?! He came back to life?

Kakashi - He absorbed the Lightning Style monster's heart.

Ino - What's that?

Kakashi - His main body's a monster, too.

Kakazu - Two of my hearts gone. It's been a long time since that happened.

Hidan - Even I can tell, and I'm not all that bright It's been so many times already. Any idiot could figure out your Jutsu after seeing it so many times.

Shikamaru - What did you say?

Hidan - It seems your Jutsu isn't as strong as it was before. I didn't even need five minutes I can move!The endurance of your Jutsu power and its effect gradually decreases each time you use it. Basically, the longer you use it, the weaker it gets. Aren't you just about out of Chakra? Huh?! You won't get away this time.

Kakashi - Here he comes!

Choji - Right!

Ino - Right!

Kakashi - He's fast!

Choji - *Damn it! I can't move!*

Kakazu - Kakashi Hatake I was going to replace the hearts I lost with yours But I've changed my mind I can get more hearts anytime I want, after all Die!

Naruto - Wind Style: Rasengan!

Yamato - Water Style: Ripping Torrent!

Naruto & Yamato - Hurricane Vortex Jutsu!

Naruto - Sorry we're late. Better Later than Never

Kakashi - Perfect timing

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