Run, Kankuro

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** - Thoughts

Baki - Damn you! Cease fire immediately! We might hit Lord Kazekage.

Shinobi #4 - Y-Yes sir! Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire! Stop the attack!

Kankuro - G-Gaara What in the world is he after? Is he going to leave the village?!

Deidara - My man Sasori must really be tired of waiting for me by now.

*Baki - Is he going to take him away alive?!*

Kankuro - I won't let him get away!

Baki - Kankuro! Don't be running off carelessly! Wait until we can get a unit together!

Kankuro - We'll lose him if we just sit around! I'll catch up soon!

Baki - Don't go after him too far on your own!

Kankuro - Yeah! I know!

Kankuro followed Deidara towards the entrance of the village

*Kankuro - That jerk was after Gaara from the start?!*

Two shinobi joined next to him

Shinobi #1 - Lord Kankuro!

Kankuro - Don't let him get away, no matter what!

Shinobi #2 - Yes, sir!

Kankuro saw him going lower as Deidara passed teh entrance

*Kankuro - He landed?! There should be a unit securing that area there*

Deidara landed

Deidara - My mission is accomplished.

Sasori - You're late I told you not to keep me waiting!

Sasori tried to hit Deidara with his tail but CeCe cut him off with just a look causing him not to be able to control his tail

Deidara - Cut me some slack This guy was pretty strong.

Sasori - That's why I told you to make sure you were prepared.

Deidara - How about the preparations here?

CeCe - Things are all ready here. I had plenty of time, you see I was fully prepared unlike you.

Deidara - Then, let's get out of here.

Deidara jumped off the bird and allowed it to hover over them while they walked

*Sasori - I'll never be back here again*

Kankuro and his team made it to the entrance

Kankuro - Hold it!

Shinobi #2 - What is it?

Kankuro - It's too quiet. There was a unit securing the village entrance. There should be quite a commotion if the enemy landed there And yet, I don't hear a single thing! And I've been sending several messages, yet there hasn't been a single response. What the hell's going on here?!

One shinobi jumped on teh level above and shuddered

Shinobi #3 - L-Lord Kankuro!

Kankuro - What is it?!

They walked a little further and saw the entrance littered with bodies of hidden sand shinobi

Kankuro - Wh-What's this?! What a mess. They weren't attacked just now It might've been before Gaara started to fight.

Shinobi #2 - There were even elite Anbu Black Ops members here

Shinobi #4 - They must have been attacked at once by a rather large group?

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