Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken

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** - Thoughts

Naruto - Okay! Let's go finish this!

Clones - Right

They all ran at Kakazu

Kakazu - So this is the power of the nine tails Jinchuriki. That jutsu definitely befits the beast

The clones surrounded Kakazu distracting him as Naruto came from behind. As the clones disappeared in a cloud of smoke Kakazu turned to face the real Naruto

Kakazu - No!

Just as the Rasengan was about to hit Kakazu the jutsu released

Choji - What

Ino - Did he beat him?!

Yamato - It failed

Naruto tried to back away but Kakazu used his hair to pull him back. Kakashi ran at Kakazu

Kakashi - *That boy is full of surprises. Well alright then.* Yamato!

Yamato - Right!

Yamato turned his arm to wood and trailed it to Kakazu

Kakazu - And now you're mine

Yamato used his wood style to distract Kakazu and Kakashi used his lightening blade to cut the wires attached to Naruto. He then caught Naruto before he hit the ground and moved away from Kakazu

Naruto - Oh, man.

Ino - You seemed a little different for a moment, there. But I guess you're still the same old Naruto after all.

Choji - When you said Rasen Shuriken I'd figured for sure you'd boomerang it or something. Never thought you'd tried to smack him head on

Naruto - Oh, shut up. It's awesome when it hits, okay!

Yamato - The name is misleading. Rasen Shuriken is intended to be a frontal attack thus the need for an accompanying diversion. In this case the Shadow Clones

Kakashi - The problem is this new jutsu burns too quickly and only lasts a few seconds

Yamato - Yeah exactly

Choji - We'll never be able to hit him that quickly. He's way to fast.

Kakazu - *It appears that the boys jutsu is useless so long as I keep my distance. So I just have to avoid close combat, don't let myself be distracted by clones and keep my eye on the original. Alright, that should be enough*

Naruto stood up

Naruto - Okay, let me try this again. Now that I know what I'm doing

Ino - Come one, he's an Akatsuki. If you repeat the same move, he's just gonna dodge it again

Choji - Yeah, it won't work. He knows what to expect now. Let's work together

Kakashi - That's true. Right now we're five against one. There's no need for us to cross any shaky bridges.

Kakazu - *So, what now?*

Naruto - Kakashi-Sensei, do you remember what you told me during training?

Kakashi - Hm?

Naruto - You said I'm the only shinobi who will surpass the Fourth Hokage. And you meant what you said

Kakashi - *Naruto*

Naruto - Look, I know teamwork's important, but right now I need to cross this bridge and cross this bridge alone. No matter how dangerous a bridge it turns out to be. If I can't work my way to the other side, I'll just be a kid forever. So please, please, don't take away my chance to prove what I can do.

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