The Retired Granny's Determination

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** - Thoughts

Pakkun ran through the forest and found the source of the scent

Pakkun - Over there, huh. Any closer and I'll be noticed

Pakkun ran back to the sand village. The statue was extracting the tailed beast from Gaara and one of its' eyes opened

Chiyo unlocked the door and walked inside. She then unlocked and opened the chest inside the room to reveal two scrolls. Ebizo walked behind her and stand at the door

Ebizo - Hey Sis. Are you taking those with you?

Chiyo - Fate must have meant for this to happen Nothing will serve me better than these if I'm gonna fight against him I've lived too long a life

Pakkun appeared in front of Kakashi and pointed to a spot on the map sitting in between them

Kakashi  - So that's where his hideout is.

Pakkun - Most likely. Gaara's scent was also coming from that same place. I also smelled a familiar scent

Kakashi - I see. I have one more favor to ask you.

Naruto fell off the bed causing Kakashi and Pakkun to look over at Naruto

Naruto - Ow that hurt

Pakkun - Hey, are you awake, Naruto?

Naruto - Huh? Pakkun

Kakashi - Okay, Pakkun better get moving

Pakkun - See you around then,

Pakkun ran out the room and out the village at a fast speed

Naruto -  Kakashi Sensei! Could it be that you've found the Akatsuki's hideout?

Kakashi - Yeah We're heading out immediately.

A shinobi went into the treatment room and told Temari the news

Temari - What, Gaara's whereabouts have been--?!

Shinobi - Yes ma'am! His whereabouts have just been located. The Leaf are preparing to depart immediately!

Temari - Understood! Gather our skilled men immediately! I will be heading out as well!

Shinobi - Yes, ma'am!

Kankuro sat up about the leave the bed but Temari stopped him

Kankuro - Temari

Temari - Kankuro, don't be so reckless! You need to stay in bed and take it easy! I give you my word I will get Gaara back, no matter what!

Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura stood at the entrance of the village

Kakashi - All right, as soon as the Sand is ready, we'll join them for Gaara's rescue. Got it?

Temari joined them

Temari - Sorry to have kept you waiting!

Temari and a squad of shinobi had gathered in front of them

Sakura - Temari!

Kakashi - Everyone's here

Naruto - All right! Then let's head out!

Baki jumped to their left

Baki - Wait! Temari You and the others stay here in the village and patrol the border.

Temari - What do you mean by that?!

Baki - That's an order from above.

Baki - Huh?

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