Climbing Silver

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** - Thoughts

A building was next the them as the doors came in sight CeCe walked in first followed by Kakazu

Hidan - H-Hey, where are you going?! The bathroom?! I guess it can't be helped.

When the got in the bathroom CeCe pushed her hand on the wall and a secret door opened

Kakazu - This is the Collection Office.

Hidan - Why put a secret door in a bathroom?

CeCe - This way.

A man peeked out and motioned them inside

Man - Put it here.

Kakazu - Okay.

Hidan - Hurry up and get it done! No doubt about it.

Man - It is Chiriku. You got yourself a big one this time, Kakazu.

Kakazu - Yeah

Hidan - Hey, this place stinks. Let's get going, Kakazu.

CeCe - I'm going to count the money.

Hidan - I'm never coming to a place like this again. I can't tell if the stench is from the piss or the corpses. I'll be outside.

Ino - We're almost at the Collection Office

Shikamaru - It's almost time

Asuma - Let's get ready.

CeCe - It's all here.

Man - I'll be counting on you for the next one, sir.

Kakazu - Sorry, but I won't be back for a while. We're going to the Hidden Leaf to look for a Jinchuriki.

Man - Let me give you some advice. You should ditch that partner of yours. He doesn't seem interested in money.

Kakazu - I know that. Indeed, he has no interest in money. But nobody else is capable of being my partner. There's a reason for that.

Man - A reason, huh?

Kakazu - Everyone else who teamed up with me is dead. When I have trouble with a partner, I end up wanting to kill them. But I can't kill him.

Man - And CeCe what of you

CeCe - I can kill him with my eyes closed but I'm just along for the ride

They left out the door

Naruto - *Concentrate Like grinding the two Chakra together*

The nine tailed fox chakra became to seem through so much so that it pushed back the Naruto clones

Kakashi - Hey! Tenzo!

Yamato - I got it.

Sakura - Naruto

Yamato - If Naruto keeps doing this, he'll And I can't keep stopping that over and over again

Kakashi - This is the only way. Whether or not his Jutsu is completed rides on you.

Yamato - I understand

Ino - *The Akatsuki up ahead.*

Shinobi 2 - Let's go!

Hidan - Ohh, it stinks! Being in a crap hole like that for five minutes would soak my clothes in the stench. Took you guys long enough.

Asuma threw shuriken at Hidan but he dodged it with his scythe. He then used the string to guide the scythe towards Asuma but he jumped in the air. Kotetsu and Izumo came up from behind Hidan and Shikamaru caught him in the Shadow Possession jutsu

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