Price of Power

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** - Thoughts

Ino - Hey, he's still down.

Choji and Ino ran towards Naruto

Choji - Naruto! Naruto, are you all right?

Choji sat Naruto up

Ino - Okay, Choji keep him still like that. Right now, I can only give emergency first-aid. But, who would've guessed that the original was hidden among the clones.

Choji - You're not up to Shikamaru's level but I guess you're pretty smart, Naruto.

Naruto - Don't compare me with Shikamaru

Yamato - But I'm impressed that you were able to fire off your new Jutsu three times. Even during training, two was the limit.

Kakashi - *His quick thinking in making his next move after failing only once. His unshakable confidence Naruto has truly become strong. Perfecting, to this level, the Jutsu that even the Fourth Hokage could not master. Looks like it's time to put our trust in the next generation. He's surpassed me. Do you feel it? You're the one Naruto always envisions before him. You are making him steadily stronger. Isn't that so, Sasuke?*

Yamato - Kakashi, we should get going

Kakashi - Yeah

Choji helped Naruto up

Choji - Can you move?

Yamato - All right, everyone. Let's go back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

Ino - Where's Kakashi Sensei?

Yamato - Tying up loose ends

Kakashi jumped down next to Kakazu

Kakazu - How could I lose to young brats like you?

Kakashi - Well, you're someone who's fought against the First Hokage so we may seem like kids to you. But to us, you're just a washed-up old man. That's why you're near death and groveling at our feet.

Kakashi summoned the Lightning Blade

Kakashi - One after another, a new generation will succeed us.

Kakashi then struck him successfully killing him.

Once they left the real Kakazu and the fake Kakazu came out of hiding

Kakazu - Who are you

The fake Kakazu then transform back into CeCe

CeCe - Looks like you need some help

Kakazu - How do you make a Kakazu clone it didn't even disappear

CeCe - It's a special Jutsu of mine. They have no idea that it is a fake. I was able to make it have the same look and Chakra network as you so basically it as if you had a real twin brother in a sense.

Kakazu - I can't believe I let myself get defeated

CeCe - You're not the only one.

She helped Kakazu stand

CeCe - Come on we have to get Hidan

They stopped at the edge of the woods and CeCe set Kakazu down

CeCe - Wait here

She then transformed into Shikamaru

She walked to the hole in the ground

CeCe - *What have you got yourself into Hidan?*

Using a jutsu she made the rock float out of the hole and land on the surface

Hidan - Back for more

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