Traps Activate! Team Guy's Enemy

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** - Thoughts

*Kakashi - We're too late*

*Chiyo - Sasori*

Guy - Neji Can you see what's happening to me here?

Neji - Yeah The same thing is happening here.

Guy - TenTen, what about you?

TenTen - It's probably the same here, too.

Guy - Lee!

Lee - A strange form appeared in the forest as soon as I removed the tag.

Guy - I thought so

Neji - Team Kakashi has infiltrated just as planned.

The forms then formed into themselves

TenTen - What is this?

Lee - It's probably an enemy trap.

Guy - I see

TenTen - So that's what this is about.

Lee - I find you a worthy opponent.

Deidara sat on Gaara

Naruto - You jerk! Where do you think you're sitting?!

Deidara - No doubt about it He's the Jinchuriki. "The first one to burst in and barks first," huh? Itachi's pretty good at describing people. And you say he is supposed to be the son of a Hokage

CeCe - Indeed. Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage and my beloved Sensei

Deidara - Sensei, well this is a turn of events. Right, Sasori? Sasori?

Sasori didn't answer and kept his eyes on Chiyo

Naruto - Gaara! What're you doing sleeping leisurely in a place like that?! Stand up! Gaara! Hey! Gaara! Are you listening?! Knock it off!

Kakashi - That's enough, Naruto! You should know

Deidara - That's right. You know, don't you? That he's already long dead.

Deidara smacked Gaara a few times causing Naruto to get angrier

CeCe - This nine tails sure is working well past the seal

Sasori - Well

Deidara - He's definitely the Jinchuriki.

Naruto - Give him back Give Gaara back! You jerks!

Naruto stepped forward but Kakashi stopped him

Kakashi - Calm down If you charge ahead without thinking, we'll be annihilated.

CeCe - Well have all your fun boys I'm on my way out

Chiyo - You there. What have you done with the nine tails

CeCe looked at Chiyo and smirked then covered herself in sand as Gaara use to do and proceeded to leave out surprising Team Kakashi

Sasori - That CeCe is one talented Kunoichi I mean for someone who can harness all 9 tailed beasts

Sakura - That means

Sasori - Correct she is the new host of the one tail

Guy - A Shinobi usually operates in a three-man squad or a four-man squad.

Neji - But at least five people are required to destroy a Five-Seal Barrier.

TenTen - It can't be destroyed with just one team. You'd have to wait for another team to arrive.

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