A Meeting With Destiny

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** - Thoughts

Guy - Don't tell me you're

Kisame - It appears that you've remembered

Guy - Have we met before?

Kisame - It looks like the freak beast's intelligence is at the level of a beast too. Well I'll make you remember soon

*Naruto - Itachi* 

Chiyo stepped next to Naruto

Chiyo - Ah, so he is that brat who killed his entire clan.

Itachi - It's been a while, Mr. Kakashi, Naruto

*Sakura - A Sharingan Just like Sasuke's! He is the one who's tormenting Sasuke and Naruto.*

Naruto - You bastard Not just me, but Gaara too! I will destroy you guys!

Itachi moved his hand behind his back

Kakashi - Everyone! Don't look directly at his eyes! It's dangerous!

So this is the Akatsuki!

Kisame threw Sharks Skin in the air

Kisame - Water Style: Exploding Water Shock Wave!

Guy - He's coming!

Rock Lee - Alright

Kakashi - Itachi's Genjutsu is Visual Jutsu. Therefore, it's a type where one gets caught by his sight, so it'll be okay as long as we don't make eye contact with him.

Naruto - Yeah, I know!

Kakashi - But then How should we fight him?


Kakashi - Well Guy, how did you fight with Itachi?

Guy - Huh? There's only one way

End Flashback

Kakashi - Well Decipher his actions just by how he moves his body and feet.

Sakura then avoided looking at Itachi's face

Sakura - That seems pretty hard.

Chiyo - The Uchiha clan, eh? It's been a while since I went up against a Sharingan.

Naruto looked at Chiyo surprised

Chiyo - You don't have to be that surprised. There are a few fighting techniques to counter this Visual Jutsu.

Naruto - What should we do?

Chiyo - "If it's one against one, then you must flee.", "If it's two against one, then take the back."

Naruto - Say what?

Chiyo - You know what "if it's one against one, then flee" means right? There is no way you can win. But if it's two against one If it's two against one, even if one is caught by the Genjutsu, the other will take his back and hit him. Then the Genjutsu will cease. Even if that is impossible, if you hit your teammate, then you can end the Genjutsu. So, if there is more than one of us, then one will distract him. The rest of us will constantly attack him from the back where the Sharingan can't see.

Naruto - I see. Amazing, you know a lot from old age! Then I'll take

Naruto stepped forward but Kakashi stopped him

Kakashi - Wait!

Kisame was about to attack Team Guy but they all jumped out the way. He disappeared and then reappeared behind them.

TenTen - Neji! Lee!

The water was constantly heading for them

Kisame - So how is it? Doesn't it remind you?!

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