Mission Cleared

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** - Thoughts

Gaara saw it explode covering the whole village. When the smoke cleared there covering the village was Gaara's sand

Shinobi #1 - Wh-What's this?

Shinobi #3 - It's Lord Kazekage's sand!

Shinobi #1 - Wow! Look at the size of the shield he made!

Baki - Just what I'd expect from the Kazekage.

Kankuro - Gaara did it

Deidara - Okay, you're within range!

Gaara looked to his left to see a clay bird right next to his face. Before the sand could enclose around him the bird exploded

Kankuro - Gaara!

Baki - Gaara's Total Sand Defense can't be broken that easily.

Shinobi #2 - Lord Baki! The preparations for attack have been completed!

Baki - All right! Attack all together when I give the signal!

Deidara - I'd expect no less His specially-created sand sure got some quick defense. However That's just what I want.

Gaara looked at his sand to see his sand crumbling and clay spiders coming through

Deidara - My left hand was crushed Sand Coffin. However, I used that opportunity to eat some of your sand and mix it with my bomb clay. You were doomed the instant you used that sand to defend yourself. That being said, I planned it that way! Art...

Gaara - Oh no

Deidara - is explosive!

Gaara sand was falling to the ground

Baki - What the hell happened?

Kankuro - G-Gaara Gaara!

Baki and Shinobi - Lord Kazekage!

Baki - It-It can't be! Gaara's Ultimate Defense has been broken

Kankuro - What the hell did he do?

Deidara - I cause an explosion at point-blank range and you're forced to use your speedy gourd sand you crushed my hand with to defend yourself However then I'm down to my last attack I had to create an opening in order to cause a sure explosion at close range I dropped my "specialty" on the village for that very purpose. I guess I'll go retrieve him.

Gaara opened his eyes and was moving his sand away from the village

I get it.

Kankuro - Wh-What's happening?

Deidara - He's draining his last remaining strength in an attempt to move the sand outside the village He wants to make sure the village isn't damaged! I'd expect no less from the Kazekage Even when it'd be easier just to drop it on the village.

Kankuro - G-Gaara

Baki - Hey, what're you guys doing?! We must protect Lord Kazekage! Commence attack!

Shinobis -Yes, sir!

Baki - Fire!

The shinobi fired their weapons at Deidara but he dodged all of them

Deidara - Your attacks are futile.

Baki - Fire!

Deidara - Your attacks are futile, I'm telling you! They got a bit creative, huh? My man Sasori will be ticked off if I keep him waiting too long.

Sasori - Is he going to keep me waiting forever?

Gaara was able to get the sand away from the village. Gaara then slumped and was falling to the ground.

Kankuro - Gaara!

Baki - Rescue Lord Kazekage! It was harder than I thought not to kill him

Deidara flew under Gaara and caught him

Deidara - Mission cleared.

Deidara then flew away

Kankuro - Gaara!

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