Satisfies You Right Where You Are

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                   Inspiration  #1

Psalm 103:5 AMP

Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle's [strong, overcoming, soaring]! [Isa. 40:31.]

             It's interesting, sometimes we feel we have to do certain things to reach the caliber of another person in order to be used by God. Or better yet, we feel that people look down at us because of our age (whether that be young or old) or because of a limitation we have when we believe God has filled our heart with faith to accomplish a task. However, this

Scripture confirms that the Holy Spirit meets our needs, directs us, and satisfies us right where we are and on the level we need Him. Age, experience, and riches are not benefactors that position you for God to use you in a particular area or realm. The Holy Spirit will cause the very things we need to be personalized to our needs.

Life Application

            I have been blessed to have a teaching ministry at the age of 26. I find myself traveling and teaching and sharing the majority of these revelations housed in this book. Sometimes, there are many people that receive the word, but there are also times when I feel I'm in a drought warring against demonic forces that are literally putting their hands over the people's ears causing them not to hear and be blessed (increased in a certain area of their life). In these moments, I've taken this personally and become rather anger and upset.

              I've even heard some of these individuals speak to others and pretty much list my disqualifications of what I shouldn't even be operating in the position I was in. They name off several disqualifiers and as a result, they don't listen to me and plant seeds of dischord.

           This verse teaches that the Holy Spirit establishes you where He needs and wants you to be in the body. No one remove you as they didn't put you there. But even more importantly, while you're serving in the position, the Lord promises, through His Spirit that he would satisfy you right where you are. He will go to work for you. Stop trying to make things happen in your life and let God, Himself, establish you and place where you need to be(1 Peter 5:10). Once He places you on that rock, He will steady you and establish your goings (Psalms 40:2).

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