Fear to Understand

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Inspiration #11

Mark 9:32 NLT

They didn’t understand what he was saying, however, and they were afraid to ask him what he meant.

Oh! How too often do we see this problem. Fear is a bad epidemic that's breeding amongst our assemblies today. Fear of all sorts of things, even fear of getting understanding. Oftentimes, this is out of pride. You may ask how does this fear derive from pride?

Most of the time, people either hate to be wrong; or they would simply not know. We've been ingrained in our minds to think that we have to know it all; and God forbid, to be wrong. Why? The world has produced and cultivated these falsities. This is a huge area of change for most if not all Christians as they go through their purification process with the Spirit.

As a result of not getting understanding due to the fact we're afraid of being wrong or not wanting to be seen as ignorant, instead we develop pride. We would rather walk around "thinking we know" OR just not know at all. Sometimes, it's even the fear of not wanting the person who's delivering a truth to know that you don't have a clue what he/she is talking about (as the disciples in this Scripture.) We don't want people to think we're “ignorant.” That's detrimental as Jesus said, "the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). But you have to understand the truth. Thats why Solomon says, in Proverbs 4:5, "Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them."

It's ok to be wrong. It's ok to (temporarily) not know. But never be fearful to get understanding. After all that's the only way you'll ever be able to truthfully hear the word of God and become a doer of it, and to develop prudence.

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