Deliverance Gives Us the Power to Stop Sinning

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Inspiration #29

John 5:14 NLT

But afterward Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.”

This is an eye-opening statement Jesus spoke to this man. In John Eckhardt, Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual, he discusses that deliverance is the key to spiritual wellness. Many a times, we continue to wallow in sin because we have not been delivered. God knows that we need deliverance. Deliverance from what? Demonic activity.

Because for so long, we've unknowingly given demons and evil spirits access into our lives, we don't even realize that our bad habits and addictions are not even us, but rather a demon actually living his life through us. His activity has become so frequent, its normal to us and we think it's “just who we are”. Anything contrary to the word of God and who He says we are after accepting His Spirit into our lives is not us.

But--if knowledge about deliverance and teachings on how its done is not communicated to the body of Christ, then we will never have the ability to stop sinning. We will continue to be defeated and live defeated lives. Even more, as Jesus said, if we don't stay delivered and make deliverance part of our daily bread, we will have even worse things to happen to us. This is why He told us to pray, “...but DELIVER us from evil.”

Does deliverance mean we won't ever, in the most basic sense, sin again? No. Because we live under the curse, we are going to sin although less and less. We will occasionally slip and fall, or miss the mark. The Bible says, even a righteous man falls seven times, but he doesn't stay there, he gets back up again. But deliverance is intended to break cycles, habits, and deep-rooted heart problems coming from sin so that they don't hinder us from doing the will of the Father.

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