Failing to See Jesus As Sovereign

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Inspiration #25

John 4:27 NLT

Just then his disciples came back. They were shocked to find him talking to a woman, but none of them had the nerve to ask, “What do you want with her?” or “Why are you talking to her?”

Jesus is the only way to the Father. Absolutely no other way! When we see Jesus as sovereign as He is the second part of the Godhead, we no longer question His judgments, validity, and motives, but we simply find ourselves saying, “Yes, Lord!”

Many people today are just like the disciples wondering about Jesus's validity and have even minimalized Him to be “just a man who was a prophet.” This then lowers Jesus's sacrifice; and if that's lowered, what's the purpose of Him coming? He said Himself, “I came so that through Me the world might be saved.” He even told us that, “When you see Me, you have seen the Father.” He's the great, I AM.

Many other religions have gone in the wrong direction because they fail to accept Jesus as the Sovereign Lord. As a result, they push further and further from truth. Yes, most religions have a God (the Father) consciousness, but they have a wrong way of how to get to Him. They use Allah, Buddha, and even inanimate objects, but fail to accept Jesus as the only way to the Father.

This is the attitude the disciples had until they came to realize Jesus' Sovereignty. Some of them, like Thomas, James, and Peter did not even realize it fully until after his resurrection. Do you believe that Jesus is sovereign? When you do, it will alter your life as the “words in red” will have a greater effect in your life.

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