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Upon writing this book, my vision for it never superseded Wattpad. I never foresaw it being even remotely something people would want to read. This was partially because I didn't see the overall direction I was wanting to take the book. On the other hand, I was not sure if I even wanted to publicize the information that's housed in this book. Lastly, I didn't think people would even care. But--I stand corrected.

This book has now been published into an eBook via Smashwords. If you desire to read the final copy of this book, head over to my author page at, download it, and read it for FREE! This version is an old rough draft, therefore, you're not getting the full scope of what this book actually turned out to be. Once you've read the book, please do review it as your words inspire and encourage me.

While on my author page, you can also check out my fastly-growing The Speak Lyfe Collection®, my personal collection of essays, poems, and other discourses on subjects and ideas that express my opinions and beliefs. If you have any topics that you would like for me to research, I will gladly do so and create a discourse just for you to add to the collection. Please email me at

Again, thank you for your support and interest in my writings! God bless you all!

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