Blessings Give Authority for Good Things to Happen In Your Life

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Inspiration #28

1 Samuel 2:20 NLT

Before they returned home, Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife and say, “May the lord give you other children to take the place of this one she gave to the lord . ”

In life, God gave us the power and authority to speak good things over our lives and others. When He spoke through Moses before the Children of Israel were released into the Land of Promise, Moses (speaking for God) said, “Death and life/blessings and curses are in the power of the tongue.” That had major significance.

With the ability to speak comes major caution. Even though God desires to bless us, because we have free will, we have to be in agreement with Him for those blessings to come. We have to grant those blessings in our life, as well as those who we come in contact with,  with our tongue. We speak the blessing over their life believing in faith that God will grant what we've requested in His perfect timing and in accordance to His will. If you're speaking a blessing over someone else, they have to be in agreement with what you're saying as well as God will not breach “the free-will clause.” He wants to bless, but He has to have our permission.

Don't waste your time speaking curses. Just like we give God the authority to pour blessings into our lives; likewise, we give the kingdom of darkness authority for demonic activity when we speak anything negative and opposite the Word of God. Our negative words are a door for evil spirits to enter our lives and those we speak negative things over. Speak blessings today and watch God go to work in your life.

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