Don't Fall Off The Cliff

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Inspiration #38

Deuteronomy 4:5-6 NASB

"See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the L ord my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it. So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, 'Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'

The words from the LORD (the commandments/guardrails/the word of God/the Bible) (whichever you would like to call it) are your wisdom. Today’s major problem with saints (specifically youth and young adults) is we lack wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

We stand on the cliff gazing down at the world that is engrossed and swelled with death (anything that separates us from God—actions, mindsets, attitudes, motives, etc.) We see the dark planet's (the world as we see it now) luring baits/temptations, and they are beckoning us to come unto them. From the homosexual movement, to the money binge and craze, to violence and drug abuse, to the sex crave, to the get-rich quick-or-die-hard-trying schemes, to the living life like a Hollywood celebrity or music mogul—they all seem attractive and lucrative. Satan’s kingdom of darkness, seen in living color down below, attempts to draw us in. Media (social and televised) is also an enticing force.

Sadly, individuals slowly begin falling from the cliff, not killing themselves physically but morally, spiritually, relationally, and socially. When they fall, they are led away into the city of death and destruction. God is instructing and almost shouting, “Get knowledge! Get understanding! Get wisdom! It’s the only thing that will keep you in these perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). But—we don’t get knowledge. Hosea 4:6 puts it this way, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…” Simply, we don’t want to hear. “In the sight of the nations” (vs.6) or the world that seems to be doing everything it wants to, we’re being led astray. We need knowledge (light) from God to be able to see through the deception. We need wisdom. We need the ability to make right, wise choices so we can be prudent and decipher between what’s evil and what’s good.

            There’s so much “knowledge” out there. At the tips of our fingers, the internet is at our disposal. But—the question is: is that real knowledge? The stuff we see on Facebook? The stuff watch and double tap on Instagram or Vine? The pornographic website we sign up for? The dark movies we watch making light of the demonic forces that hedge us in? The vampire and murderous mystery books we curl up on the couch and in bed late at night to read? The MTV or BET music video we affix our eyes as if glued to the screen to watch? That sexual and provocative reality TV show we watch religiously? The cell phone we use to receive messages about the latest gossip or to create gossip? Look at all the knowledge we’re surrounded by (and that list is not exhaustive). But what is God’s side? We have rejected true knowledge long enough and watched many of our friends and family fall off the cliff. But—the real question is, have we, too, fallen off the cliff? Are you rejecting the knowledge of God found in his Word. Are you on the LORD’s side?

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