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Inspiration #22

Judges 21:25 NLT

In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.

God, in His infinite wisdom, knows that we were made to have rules and someone to govern over us. As crazy as that may sound, its true. Without authority and guidelines or guardrails the people do what they want. Hence, in the Scripture, “In the mulititude of counsel, there is safety.” Only Satan likes the idea of not being under authority and it stemies from pride. Having no authority or defying authority is prideful and foolish--you do what you think is right no matter what others may feel. That creates chaos and fosters dengeration.

God provides guardrails as a protector. It's all based upon how you view authority and rules, which determine how you respond to them. Of course, when you have individuals in positions of power that change the rules according to how they feel and inflict harm on others as result, then this is what makes people push away from guardrails and authority. This is a trick of the enemy. He knows that authority was designed by God as a protector for us. This is why God appointed Himself a king-David, who was going to feed the people with knowledge and understanding, the wisdom of God.

Unfortunately, in today's society, our authority figures are not like David. They use the law as a means to do their dirty work. In the words of Habakkuk, they “pervert the law.” This is why Paul instructed us to pray for our leaders in government so that they will be filled with the wisdom of God instead of the wisdom of the world, only doing what's right in their own eyes. As a result, when we see these individuals being transparent and living lives of integrity, the people trust them and fall right in line with the rules established and the authority promoting them.

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