Jesus-The Special Revelation/Revelator

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Inspiration #26

John 4:48 NLT

Jesus asked, “Will you never believe in me unless you see miraculous signs and wonders?”

In other words, Jesus was saying: “I am the great I AM, the very Voice of my Father. He is climaxing His revelation of Himself, through me. The fullness of Him is found in Me, His Son. I AM that special Revelation, coming down from the Father of Light with all power. The fulfillment of every prophecy already, strategically spoken by the manifold wisdom of my Father. I AM the antitype of every man of prominence in the Torah and Jewish feast/sacrifice. It all boils down to Me. Therefore, when you see Me as such, just considering the aforementioned things above, you won't have to see signs and miracles. You will believe in Me, personally.”

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